reaches 1 PetaByte of preserved information!

The collection of 1 PetaByte of content predominantly in Portuguese, accessible to both researchers and ordinary citizens, is a milestone that deserves to be celebrated, in the month of its 16th anniversary.

At you can search for information published on the Web in the past, such as:

Discover more pages through the selected pages in the Online Exhibitions.

The first European page
News from The New York Times in 2008
European Film Awards 2014

Purpose and mission of the Portuguese Web Archive was created on November 8, 2007 with the aim of preserving content from the Portuguese Web.

In 2013, as a service operated by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), its mission was formulated as follows: “To promote the preservation of content available on the national Internet, ensuring that it is made available to the scientific community and the general public” (Decreto-Lei no. 55/2013).

In recent years, has created new services, such as CitationSaver, which allows researchers to record references to web content in their scientific articles, Memorial and Complete page, which facilitate access to content scattered throughout the huge 1 PetaByte block of data.

Where did so much information come from?

In order to reach the 1 PetaByte volume, periodically recorded content from websites in the .PT domain and from Portuguese websites in other domains.

In addition, frequent daily and monthly collections were made from a small number of government sites and the main news sites in Portugal.

As part of international collaborations, content was collected from sites in various languages, for example on the 2019 European Elections.

Content prior to 2008 came from the Internet Archive and donations, such as a collection made by the National Library and INESC on the 2005 Legislative Elections.

The largest Portuguese-language dataset available to researchers

By making 1 PetaByte of information available, in open access and through the use of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), is a useful tool for research.

For example, a researcher who wants to do a study on elections in Portugal can use the entire collection. Better still, they can focus on just a few special collections dedicated to the elections, choosing the ones that interest them and downloading just a few Terabytes to process automatically with the APIs.

Contributions from the various teams and friends of

The development of is more than a technological issue and has been due to the dedication and persistence of the various teams that have worked on it since 2007.

It was also due to the contribution of many friends of, who were always on hand to help improve, and to the response of the user community.

Congratulations to all! Thank you.

Meet the winners of the Award 2023!


Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pm

The winners of the Award 2023 were announced by the Público newspaper, the official communication partner of this edition, on 26 June.

40 applications were received.

The award ceremony tooke place during the closing session of the Encontro Ciência (Portuguese Science Summit), on July 7, at Aveiro University.

1st place – “Viajar no tempo sobre carris”

The winner of the 10 000 euro prize was the work “Viajar no tempo sobre carris” (Travelling through time on rails) developed by Antero Pires, Carlos Cipriano, Diogo Ferreira Nunes and Ruben Martins.

Viajar no tempo sobre carris” is an online platform that analyses and presents the evolution of train travel times in Portugal, based on timetables preserved in

For example, it allows you to see the duration of the journey Lisbon-Oporto on the Alfa Pendular since the year 2000.

2nd place – “Representatividade das mulheres artistas na imprensa nacional”

The 2nd prize of 3 000 euros was awarded to the work “Representatividade das mulheres artistas na imprensa nacional” (Representativeness of women artists in the national press), by Cláudia Sevivas and Miguel Boavida.

This work resulted in the website Existo that provides information on Portuguese artists, referring to the web pages in which they were mentioned over time. The work is based on an analysis of their representation and visibility that allows several readings.

For example, we can find information about the artist Joana Vasconcelos, news about other artists in a certain year or even get a graphic visualization of women artists compared to men.

3rd place – “Memória Política

The 3rd prize of 2 000 euros was awarded to the work “Memória Política”, (Political Memory) developed by Miguel Lopes, Maria Carneiro and João Andrade.

“Memória Política” is a Web application that processes and presents information taken from the web pages of political parties represented in the Portuguese Parliament, archived by

For example, it allows you to search for the term “democracy” and obtain pages from the websites of the Parties related to the search. The results can be grouped by Party and by year.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

The Público newspaper, official partner of the 6th edition of the Prize, awarded an Honourable Mention to the work “Fábrica do Jornal” (Newspaper factory), carried out by Miguel Almeida.

“Fábrica do Jornal” is a Web application that allows the user to generate a personalized newspaper from the news preserved at The user can obtain a version that can be printed or saved in digital format.

Honorable Mention granted by AMCC – Aveiro Media Competence Center

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC), awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “Imaginarium”, carried out by Diogo Sousa.

Imaginarium” is a web application that searches for images based on similarities with other images.

For example, after suggesting an image of a car, “Imaginarium” searches for images in that have some affinity with the suggested image.

Flash interview – AMCC Executive Director

Award cerimony

The awards ceremony took place at the closing session of the Science 2023 Meeting, at the University of Aveiro, on 7 July 2023.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the President of the FCT Board of Directors, Madalena Alves and the Executive Director of the Aveiro Media Competence Centre, João Moraes Palmeiro.

Image gallery

Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023

Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
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Flash enterviews

Video of the cerimony

Dissemination materials


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Know more presentations at IIPC GA/WAC, RESAW 2023 and CLEOPATRA

Last updated on March 10th, 2024 at 05:23 pm

Meeting the Web Archive Community

The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, held its General Assembly with its members on May 10, 2023.

On the following days, May 11 and 12, the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (IIPC WAC) was held, an initiative open to the community, where people or entities not associated with the IIPC and interested in the Web preservation domain can participate.

The two events were jointly hosted by KB – National Library of the Netherlands, and by Beeld & Geluid – Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision.

Contributions from the at the Web Archiving Conference participated in the IIPC working group meetings (Training Working Group and Curators Working Group) and contributed with presentations in the thematic sessions Collaborations & Outreach and Program infrastructure (sessions 7 and 17).

  • updates 2023 (slides)
  • Linking web archiving with arts and humanities: the collaboration between ROSSIO and (video, slides)
  • behind the curtains (slides)

Meeting the RESAW research community

RESAW (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials) is an initiative created in 2012 with the aim of promoting studies based on archived Web content, in areas such as Social Sciences, Digital Arts and Humanities.

The RESAW 2023 conference was held at the MUCEM Lab (Mediterranean Institute of Heritage Crafts) in Marseille on June 5-6, 2023, under the theme Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age.

Contributions from to RESAW 2023 contributed with presentations to the sessions Web Archive in Mediterranean area and its merge (4.A), From online Tools to Web Archive (6.B.), Towards a participatory approach to collections (9. A.), Digging up the materials for writing web history (9.B.).

  • How to research governmental web data? (abstract, slides)
  • Archiving Cryptocurrencies (abstract, slides)
  • Time to explore, time to learn from the archived web: training initiative (abstract, slides)
  • Exhibiting Web Memories from a call for community participation (abstract, slides)

CLEOPATRA Project Meeting

The CLEOPATRA Project, led by the L3S Research Center at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover, has developed since 2019 a training programme for doctoral researchers (Early Stage Researcher, PhD). has participated in three courses: Incentives design for hybrid multilingual information processing and analytics, in Southampton; National and transnational media coverage of European parliamentary elections, 2004-2014, London; and NLP for under-resourced languages, in Zagreb, Croatia.

In 2022, the welcomed two researchers in its facilities who used the archived resources and received special support from the team to develop their research.

The CLEOPATRA Project ended in 2023 with a meeting on the 16th May, in Hannover, which brought together Professors, Researchers and representatives of the institutions involved.

Daniel Gomes,’s Manager, highlighted the new tools that makes available and the results of the work carried out by the researchers that have passed through at Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023. Register now!

thumbnail jornadas FCCN 2023

Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 04:03 pm

Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023 was held at the Naval School in Almada from 27 to 29 June 2023.

This event is a meeting for sharing knowledge among the entities that make up the national higher education and research community.

The event counts with the participation of decision-makers of the institutions, people in charge of computer technical services and people responsible for libraries and documentation services, among others. presented two 90-minute sessions, on June 28th from 2h30 p.m. to 6 p.m., under the theme “ services for managing citations and cybersecurity” and the service Memorial in the Zapping session.


June 28 2:30-16 p.m.: available services and system architecture

Sessão 2 4:30-6 p.m.: uma ferramenta para gerir citações e cibersegurança Memorial


Jornadas de Computação Científica Registration page Científica 2023

Free training on digital media – webinars

Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:10 pm

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) is a platform to support and promote the European Union (EU) Local News Media sector in the implementation of digital transition projects. The consortium includes the PCI Creative Science Park of Aveiro Region, the Associação Portuguesa de Imprensa and the University of Aveiro. is a free public service that allows searching and accessing Web pages preserved since the 1990’s, such as viewing an old news or accessing an old version of a website.

The collaboration between the AMCC and is materialized in a training program entitled Digital Skills for the Media, developed in four webinars, and in the attribution of the AMCC Honorable Mention to work done on Portuguese centenary newspapers in the Award 2023.

Webinar cycle: digital skills for media

The webinar cycle aims to equip trainees with digital skills that enable them to solve problems caused by the disappearance of digital information and gain competitive advantage in the production of unique and exclusive content.

  • Webinar 1: A tool for quickly searching the past
    • Data: Mars 24, 2023 Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)
  • Webinar 2: Publishing well for preserving well

    • Data: April 6, 2023, Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)
  • Webinar 3: Automated access and processing of preserved Web information through APIs
    • Data: May 4, 2023, Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)
    • Slides
    • Video
  • Webinar 4: Web archiving: do-it-yourself!
    • Data: June 1, 2023, Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)

Participation of in the meetings of the International Internet Preservation Consortium


Last updated on August 1st, 2023 at 05:37 pm

IIPC Web Archiving Conference

The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, held its General Assembly with its members between May 17 and 19, 2022.

The following week, between May 24 and 25, held the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (IIPC WAC), online as in the previous year due to the contingencies of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 2022 edition of these two events was hosted by the Library of Congress. resources and initiatives presented at the IIPC WAC 2022

The IIPC Web Archiving Conference is an initiative open to the community, where people or entities interested in the Web preservation domain may participate.

The contributed to the Ligthtning Talks sessions (session 5 and session 13).

The presentations focused on the resources and initiatives that this service has lately developed for the community.

Cryptocurrencies and web curation on the 15th anniversary in Viseu

Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Session of at the Jornadas 2022 was at the annual meeting Jornadas de Computação Científica 2022, held from May 31st to June 2nd, at the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu.

Cryptocurrencies and web curation were the starting point for sharing the news of the service and talking about the work developed since the last edition of the Jornadas.

Zapping session remembered the 15 years of was created in 2007 with the goal of collecting the Portuguese Web. After fifteen years it continues its mission, collecting, but mainly facilitating the access to preserved contents, both for the researcher and the common citizen.

In the Zapping session at the conference, in which each FCCN service presented its services, the was highlighted for its long-standing activity in Web preservation.

Training with the Library of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão

The team was in the Library of the School of Technology and Management (ESTGV) in an extra session of the conference dedicated to digital preservation, mainly to institutional content published on the Web.

The training was promoted by the Library team, especially Dr. Rosa Silva, Coordinator of the service, and had the participation of the community. Besides the presentations, there was an opportunity to share ideas and point out future collaborations.

Paulo Medeiros, responsible for the service of Culture, Communication and Documentation, presented the institutional channels of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. These channels are increasingly present on the Web, such as the magazine Polistécnica that went digital in 2012, the scientific journal Millenium and the video channel Politécnico TV. showed how any person or institution can have their Web contents preserved in an adequate format. To save contents directly on you can use the new SavePageNow recording service. To make a local Web archive you can use – APIs presented to Internet technologies students

The Arquivo team was in the classroom, thanks to the excellent welcome given by Prof. Dr. Valter Alves, director of the Design and Multimedia Technology course. Vasco Rato, Web developer of the, presented the APIs of the (Applications Programming Interfaces) for the automatic processing of preserved information.

By using the APIs of the students can make assignments for the technology subjects and compete to the Award.

Image gallery

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Web pages for the history of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

In 2018, the library team developed a project with the participation of young students that resulted in a documentary short film where memories of old web pages, preserved by, were included.

Create automatic narratives about any topic!


Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:51 pm provides a new function that allows you to automatically create temporal narratives on any topic.

The “Narrative” functionality, integrated into in September 2021, is the result of the collaboration between “Conta-me Histórias”, winner of the Award 2018, and

The Conta-me Histórias” (Tell me Stories) project was developed by researchers from the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD – INESCTEC )  and affiliated to the institutions Instituto Politécnico de Tomar – Center for Research in Smart Cities (CI2) ; University of Porto and University of Innsbruck .

How it works?

When a user enters a set of words about a topic in the search box and clicks on the “Narrative” button, the user is directed to the “Conta-me Histórias” service, which automatically analyzes the news from 25 websites archived by over time and presents a chronology of news related to the topic.

For example, if we search for “Just Bieber” and click on the “Narrative” button (Figure 1), we will be directed to the “Conta-me Histórias” , where we will automatically obtain a narrative of archived news (Figure 2).


Figure 1: Search results for pages about “Justin Bieber”.


Figure 2: Narrative of news about “Justin Bieber” from Portuguese news sites preserved by generated by the “Conta-me Histórias” service.

Create your narrative now!

“Conta-me Histórias” researches, analyzes and aggregates thousands of results to generate each narrative about a topic. It is recommended to choose descriptive words about well-defined themes, personalities or events to obtain good narratives.

Creating a narrative is useful for researchers, journalists or citizens who want to quickly get an overview of the evolution of a topic along time, thus saving them a lot of time and effort.

Go to and try to create a narrative about a theme of your choice.

Tell us about your experience so we can improve the service!

“Art Forever on the Web”: Cycle of Webinars

composicao sobre Colectiva de Artistas 2008 Quadrado Azul

Last updated on July 6th, 2021 at 01:23 pm

composicao sobre Colectiva de Artistas 2008 Quadrado Azul

Colectiva de Artistas. 2008.04.19 a 2008.06.07. Galeria Quadrado Azul. Porto. Composition from a Webpage preserved on, 22nd October 2008.

On April 29, May 27 and July 1, from 3 to 4:30 pm, webinars geared to the community of artists, curators, gallerists and event producers will be held, open also to anyone interested in learning more about preserving art websites.

Throughout the sessions, participants will learn in detail about the functionalities of in order to take advantage of this public Web preservation service. They will have technical information, in the form of recommendations and best practices, to create preservable websites. Finally, they will learn how to use available tools to save their websites in a standardized format so that their contents are not lost.

This cycle of Webinars is an initiative of the “Forever” Project, a collaboration between the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Art Library and under the ROSSIO infrastructure.

For more details and sharing, please see the program (PDF) (in Portuguese).

Sign up!

April 29 – The and the preservation of digital memory
May 27 – Recommendations for creating preservable websites for the future
July 1 – Archiving the Web: do-it-yourself!

Held sessions presentations

Online archives or archives of the online?


At the end of 2020, we recommend some texts that put the future in perspective.

We highlight the theme of preserving online content presented in the ebook “Tendências 2021” (Trends 2021). The contribution of Daniel Gomes, the manager, was entitled “Arquivos online ou do online?” (Online archives or archives of the online?).

I was invited to write about the challenges and threats to online archives. The first question that came to me was what is meant by an “online archive”?

My concern lies in the “archives of the online” because there is not even an established awareness about their need, whether at an academic, governmental or individual level.

It is technologically impossible to preserve all information available online. But it is absurd not to be aware that we have to preserve some of the information online for short, medium and long term access.

The complete text (in Portuguese) is available at pages 23 to 26 of the open-access book “Tendências 2021”.

The challenge is to cultivate awareness about the importance of preserving content online by learning how to do it in practice.

Happy New Year!