Past Members

Last updated on August 22nd, 2024 at 10:22 am

Andre Nogueira

André Nogueira: responsible for the rARC development, a distributed system for replication archived contents across storage nodes on the Internet

David Cruz

David Cruz: responsible for the user interfaces’ usability and the integration of external collections

Simão Fontes

Simão Fontes: responsible for search service availability and indexing operations

Miguel Costa

Miguel Costa: responsible for the indexing and search systems over the archive



Telma Ramos: Training & dissemination.

João Miranda

João Miranda: responsible for the crawler and web publishing systems of the project

Hugo Mendes

Hugo Mendes: web design, usability and communication

Hugo Viana

Hugo Viana: indexing and search systems over the archive

Anabela Ventura - Formação & Disseminação

Anabela Ventura: Training & dissemination

Luiz Alberto Moura - Gestor de Comunidade

Luiz Alberto Moura: Community manager

João Nobre - Engenheiro de Software

João Nobre: Research & development

foto Fernando Melo

Fernando Melo: Research & development

foto Daniel Bicho

Daniel Bicho: Research & development

Ivo Branco -

Ivo Branco: DevOps

André Mourão: DevOps

Vítor Gouveia,

Vítor Gouveia: DevOps

Paulo Cabrita

Paulo Cabrita: Web designer

Catia Costa Marketing e Comunicação -

Cátia Costa:  Comunications & marketing