Meet the winners of the Award 2023!


Last updated on July 24th, 2024 at 11:27 am

The winners of the Award 2023 were announced by the Público newspaper, the official communication partner of this edition, on 26 June.

40 applications were received.

The award ceremony tooke place during the closing session of the Encontro Ciência (Portuguese Science Summit), on July 7, at Aveiro University.

1st place – “Viajar no tempo sobre carris”

The winner of the 10 000 euro prize was the work “Viajar no tempo sobre carris” (Travelling through time on rails) developed by Antero Pires, Carlos Cipriano, Diogo Ferreira Nunes and Ruben Martins.

Viajar no tempo sobre carris” is an online platform that analyses and presents the evolution of train travel times in Portugal, based on timetables preserved in

For example, it allows you to see the duration of the journey Lisbon-Oporto on the Alfa Pendular since the year 2000.

2nd place – “Representatividade das mulheres artistas na imprensa nacional”

The 2nd prize of 3 000 euros was awarded to the work “Representatividade das mulheres artistas na imprensa nacional” (Representativeness of women artists in the national press), by Cláudia Sevivas and Miguel Boavida.

This work resulted in the website Existo that provides information on Portuguese artists, referring to the web pages in which they were mentioned over time. The work is based on an analysis of their representation and visibility that allows several readings.

For example, we can find information about the artist Joana Vasconcelos, news about other artists in a certain year or even get a graphic visualization of women artists compared to men.

3rd place – “Memória Política

The 3rd prize of 2 000 euros was awarded to the work “Memória Política”, (Political Memory) developed by Miguel Lopes, Maria Carneiro and João Andrade.

“Memória Política” is a Web application that processes and presents information taken from the web pages of political parties represented in the Portuguese Parliament, archived by

For example, it allows you to search for the term “democracy” and obtain pages from the websites of the Parties related to the search. The results can be grouped by Party and by year.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

The Público newspaper, official partner of the 6th edition of the Prize, awarded an Honourable Mention to the work “Fábrica do Jornal” (Newspaper factory), carried out by Miguel Almeida.

“Fábrica do Jornal” is a Web application that allows the user to generate a personalized newspaper from the news preserved at The user can obtain a version that can be printed or saved in digital format.

Honorable Mention granted by AMCC – Aveiro Media Competence Center

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC), awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “Imaginarium”, carried out by Diogo Sousa.

Imaginarium” is a web application that searches for images based on similarities with other images.

For example, after suggesting an image of a car, “Imaginarium” searches for images in that have some affinity with the suggested image.

Flash interview – AMCC Executive Director

Award cerimony

The awards ceremony took place at the closing session of the Science 2023 Meeting, at the University of Aveiro, on 7 July 2023.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the President of the FCT Board of Directors, Madalena Alves and the Executive Director of the Aveiro Media Competence Centre, João Moraes Palmeiro.

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Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023

Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
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Free training on digital media – webinars

Last updated on June 2nd, 2023 at 05:35 am

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) is a platform to support and promote the European Union (EU) Local News Media sector in the implementation of digital transition projects. The consortium includes the PCI Creative Science Park of Aveiro Region, the Associação Portuguesa de Imprensa and the University of Aveiro. is a free public service that allows searching and accessing Web pages preserved since the 1990’s, such as viewing an old news or accessing an old version of a website.

The collaboration between the AMCC and is materialized in a training program entitled Digital Skills for the Media, developed in four webinars, and in the attribution of the AMCC Honorable Mention to work done on Portuguese centenary newspapers in the Award 2023.

Webinar cycle: digital skills for media

The webinar cycle aims to equip trainees with digital skills that enable them to solve problems caused by the disappearance of digital information and gain competitive advantage in the production of unique and exclusive content.

  • Webinar 1: A tool for quickly searching the past
    • Data: Mars 24, 2023 Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)
  • Webinar 2: Publishing well for preserving well

    • Data: April 6, 2023, Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)
  • Webinar 3: Automated access and processing of preserved Web information through APIs
    • Data: May 4, 2023, Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)
    • Slides
    • Video
  • Webinar 4: Web archiving: do-it-yourself!
    • Data: June 1, 2023, Time: 14h00-15h30 (in Portuguese)

Prepare a work for the Award 2023!


Last updated on January 26th, 2023 at 12:21 pm

Until May 4th, launches the challenge of creating a work based on historical information preserved from the Web.

In this 6th edition of the Award, 15 000 euros will be granted to the three best works (1st place: 10 000 euros).

Works about any subject may be submitted, done individually or in group. The only condition is that was the main source of information.

The Público newspaper will grant an Honorable Mention for works based on the web-archived content of Público online.

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) will also grant an Honorable Mention to one of the submitted works that focuses on the archives of the online version of century-old newspapers.

All details at:

The Award promotes the visibility of the applicants and their institutions.

Help us spread the word about the Award 2023 among potential candidates!


Meet the winners of the Award 2022! 2022

Last updated on July 23rd, 2024 at 05:04 pm

The winners of the Award 2022 were announced by the Público newspaper on 22th July 2022, the official communication partner of this edition, which awarded an honorable mention to the best work based on its historical web content.

22 applications were received.

The award ceremony took place during the Commemorative Session of the World Science Day: the excellence of research in Portugal, on November 24th, at the Teatro Thalia, in Lisbon.

1st place – “Arquivo do Parlamento”

The winner of the 10 000 euro prize was the work “Parliamentary Archive” developed by Tiago Santos.

“Parliament Archive” is a web application that aggregates news and opinion articles extracted from based on open data.

For example, a user can search on a political personality and get speeches, news and other publications that has preserved.

2nd place – “Classificação automática de artigos estigmatizantes de doenças mentais”

The 2nd prize of 3 000 euros was awarded to the work “Automatic classification of stigmatizing articles of mental illness“, authored by Alina Yanchuk, Alina Trifan, Olga Fajarda and José Luís Oliveira.

This work developed a methodology for the automatic classification of stigmatizing mental illness articles, present in Portuguese online news newspapers, using Artificial Intelligence.

For example, a news article that uses the term schizophrenia associated with a news article about political life is classified as stigmatizing. Using automated processes, this work allows to identify thousands of news items and draw the attention of the media and society to the stigmatization of mental illnesses.

3rd place – “Arquivo Público”

The 3rd place winner received a prize of 2 000 euros and was awarded to the work “Arquivo Público”, developed by Diogo Correia and Ricardo Campos.

“Arquivo Público” is a web application focused on the contents published on the Público newspaper website over time and preserved by

As a result, we have a web interface that allows the visualization of archived news about a specific subject and also the representation of the number of news, most frequent terms and geographical reference.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

The Público newspaper, official partner of the 5th edition of the Award, granted an Honorable Mention to the work “Arquivo Público”, carried out by Diogo Correia and Ricardo Campos.

Photos of the award cerimony

The award ceremony took place during the commemorative session of the National Day of Scientific Culture, on November 24th 2022, at the Teatro Thalia, in Lisbon.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the President of the Board of Directors of FCT, Madalena Alves, and the representative of the media partner, the science editor of Público newspaper, Teresa Firmino.

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Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022

Créditos das fotos: Pedro Ferreira – FCT | FCCN |

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Millions of images from the past!


Last updated on August 23rd, 2022 at 04:21 pm launched a new version named Dionisius, on March 24th 2021.

1.8 billion images from the past Web are now searchable on

Supporting large-scale image search over Web archives is a world-wide innovation.

To learn more about the development of this system, watch the video “ image search 2020-2021“.

Try for example, how a search for images about “golf” returns images gathered from archived websites.

Print of an example of the image search at

Results page from a search for the term “golf” on

The new image search API also allows you to create new works to apply for the Awards.

Help us to improve!

To help us, just try to perform an image search on using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you have any comment, please contact us!

Remember to always send us the URL of the page you are referring to.

To know more

World Digital Preservation Day 2020


Last updated on November 23rd, 2020 at 06:20 pm


On November 5, World Digital Preservation Day, held an online session open to the community.

Registration form (free but required)

The speaker for this session was the winner of the 2020 Award, Miguel Ramalho, who presented his work. “Desarquivo” is a web aplication that searches for entities on and return a graph.

As in 2017, 2018 e 2019, we invited everyone to get to know, and to use it in research and in the preservation of memory.

World Digital Preservation Day is promoted by the Digital Preservation Coalitium (UK) and an occasion for initiatives around the world, shared on social networks with the WDPD2020 hashtag.


November 5th

3:00 pm – Welcome! Presentation of the team (slides, 1 MB, PDF)
3:05 pm – Archive News – Daniel Gomes (slides, 2.6 MB, PDF)
3:15 pm – Desarquivo, 1st place in the Awards 2020, by Miguel Ramalho (slides, 3 MB, PDF)
3:45 pm – Questions
4:00 pm – Conclusion

Session video

Satisfaction query

Meet the winners of the Award 2019!

Last updated on July 23rd, 2024 at 05:19 pm

The winners of the Award 2019 were announced by His Excellency the Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa during the session that took place on July 8 at 9:00 am in Auditorium 1 during the event Science 2019 – Encounter with Science and Technology at the Lisbon Congress Center.

23 applications were received.

Entregas do Prémio durante o Encontro Ciência 2019

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Photos by Valter Gouveia, FCT

1st place: is a mobile application that simulates the Portuguese Parliament, calling on all citizens to play the role of a deputy.

Authors: Nuno Moniz, Arian Pasquali, Tomás Amaro

2nd place: Un-cover the news

The is an online tool to reveal post-publication changes in the Portuguese news.

Authors: Flávio Martins and André Mourão

3rd place: Public speeches about violence in private

Analysis of 217 news collected in from the three main daily newspapers, on domestic violence.

Author: Zélia de Macedo Teixeira

Materials for dissemination about the winners

About the Award 2019 is a research infrastructure managed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) that enables search and access to web pages archived since 1996.

The Award aims to annually promote innovative works based on historical information preserved by Submissions closed on May 3 and we received works in areas such as: media studies, education, design, information technology, health or cultural and historical heritage.

The Award 2019 received the High Sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Award 2020

The Award was approved as an annual initiative of the Foundation for Science and Technology that will run from January to May.

Sign up for the international mailing list to be informed about future editions of the Award!

Know more Awards 2019 launching event

Last updated on April 3rd, 2019 at 05:07 pm Award 2019 was officially launched during an event at the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic, in Lisbon, March 13th.

The President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), Manuel Heitor, and the vice-president of FCT, Helena Pereira attended the ceremony.

In his speech, Marcelo Rebelo highlighted the importance of initiatives like Awards, as well as the services offered by the portal.

Submit your work to Award 2019. The 3 best works will receive a total of 15,ooo euros in prizes Award 2019 launching event

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Speech by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor

Presentation of the portal and the by Daniel Gomes, FCT

Speech by His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic

President of the Portuguese Republic launches Award 2019

Last updated on March 8th, 2019 at 03:05 pm is honoured to announce that the launching event of the Award 2019 will take place at the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic, in Lisbon, on March 13th, at 3:30 pm.

The President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), Manuel Heitor, and the FCT vice-president, Helena Pereira will attend the ceremony.

The event is open to all interested parties but limited to the facility capacity.

See the complete schedule below:

  • 3:30 pm – Reception
  • 4 pm – Opening (MPR)
  • 4:05 pm – Speech by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor
  • 4:15 pm – Presentation of the portal and the by Daniel Gomes, FCT
  • 4:30 pm – Address by His Excellency the President of the Republic and inauguration of “Time travel with the Presidents of the Republic” exhibit.
  • 4:45 pm – Cocktail and guided tours of the Museum and the exhibition
  • 5:30 p.m. – Closing

For more information: 213 614 660 or

Submit your work to Award 2019. The 3 best works will receive a total of 15,ooo euros in prizes

Study on “homosexuality” based on past news

Last updated on October 26th, 2018 at 11:35 am

Framing the concept of “homosexuality” in 20 years of publication of the Expresso newspaper

by João Teixeira Duarte and Zélia Teixeira, winners of the second prize of the Awards 2018.

This work values the social changes in the Portuguese and international reality when it comes to the visibility of LGBT-related social issues, and explores the role of social communication in promoting the visibility of these issues, along with its influence in keeping them in the social agenda.

20 years of the Expresso news site under review

To achieve this, 20 years of publication history of the Expresso newspaper published online (from 1997 to 2017) — mainly accessed through the web archive tool — were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In quantitative terms, through grounded analysis the following categories emerged: Legislative-political (81 pieces), Social (37), Discrimination and aggression (23), Arts and culture (18), Popular (12), Religious (15), Opinion (19), Link between homosexuality and pedophilia (5).

In qualitative terms, a trend to normalise homossexual individuals, relationships and related issues (such as same sex marriage and adoption) was observed.

In parallel, a tendency to progressively represent the LGBT population’s negative experiences for emotional resonance was also found.

In general, this archive encapsulated a glimpse of the evolution of this social phenomenon in the Portuguese society, in tandem and sometimes in contrast with the international realities that framed it.

More Info (in Portuguese)