
Millions of images from the past!

Last updated on August 23rd, 2022 at 04:21 pm launched a new version named Dionisius, on March 24th 2021.

1.8 billion images from the past Web are now searchable on

Supporting large-scale image search over Web archives is a world-wide innovation.

To learn more about the development of this system, watch the video “ image search 2020-2021“.

Try for example, how a search for images about “golf” returns images gathered from archived websites.

Print of an example of the image search at

Results page from a search for the term “golf” on

The new image search API also allows you to create new works to apply for the Awards.

Help us to improve!

To help us, just try to perform an image search on using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you have any comment, please contact us!

Remember to always send us the URL of the page you are referring to.

To know more