Exhibition of old websites to mark International Museum Day

Heritales Crowd-Recycling e Arquivo.pt no Dia Internacional dos Museus

May 18, International Museum Day, was celebrated all over the country with free admission, guided tours, entertainment and exhibitions related to memory and heritage.

Arquivo.pt contributed with an exhibition of old web pages, entitled “Digital Memory through the Internet of the Past”, which was on display at one of the stands at the National Coach Museum in Lisbon.

The pages were selected to show different aspects of the Alentejo over time. From 2016, pages relating to the Heritales project were selected.

Heritales and Crowd-Recycling drew attention to the preservation of the Internet’s memory

Heritales is a project based in Évora that aims to study and disseminate heritage in all its manifestations. It is known for its main event created in 2016, HERITALES – International Heritage Film Festival.

Crowd-Recycling is a project focused on good practices for sustainability.

Heritales, Crowd-Recycling and Arquivo.pt carried out this action in collaboration with the aim of giving visibility to content published on the web over time. Preserving and giving access to digital content is fundamental to enhancing heritage.

Why an exhibition of old websites is a good idea

Making an exhibition of websites over time is relatively easy, all you have to do is come up with a theme, which can also be the history of an institution, and choose pages preserved on Arquivo.pt.

An exhibition of old websites is an original idea for the target audience. It often features texts and images that only existed on the web.

By drawing attention to the websites, we realize that many things were left unrecorded and this changes our view of the content we publish today. We start taking more care to save important pages, for example by taking action or saving them on the spot with SavePageNow.

Heritales Crowd-Recycling e Arquivo.pt no Dia Internacional dos Museus
Heritales, Crowd-Recycling and Arquivo.pt on International Museum Day at the National Coach Museum

World Internet Day was on May 17th

The day before International Museum Day was World Internet Day (May 17). The proximity of the two commemorations ties in with the theme of preserving memory.

Portugal connected to the Internet for the first time in 1991, with the FCCN project “RCCN IP Service”.

To remember how it all happened, here are the three suggestions that FCCN published on social media for this day:

Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of April 25 – the Portuguese revolution of 1974


Arquivo.pt joined the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of April 25, the Portuguese Revolution of 1974, as part of the initiatives promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) in partnership with the Estrutura de Missão – Comissão Comemorativa 50 anos 25 de Abril.

The initiatives were as follows: a journey through time, a special collection on the theme “Abril 25”, a presentation at the “50 years of April International Congress” and the inclusion of a special mention in the 2025 edition of the Arquivo.pt Award.

Memories of April 25 on the Internet exhibition

The exhibition Memories of April 25 on the Internet presents a selection of web pages about the celebrations of April 25 in various regions of the country, since the beginning of the web in the 1990s.

The criteria for choosing the pages for the exhibition were as follows:

  • Pages relating to the April 25 commemorations;
  • Pages found on Arquivo.pt on dates close to the anniversary each year;
  • Diversity to include different areas of the country;
  • Popular demonstrations and official ceremonies.

A historical memory without web archives is incomplete. The aim of this journey through time is to invite citizens to travel back in time, browsing through old web pages and reliving recent episodes in our life as a democracy.

See the exhibiton: arquivo.pt/50anos25abril

Special collection on April 25 – the Portuguese Revolution of 1974

To mark the anniversary, Arquivo.pt carried out a special collection on the topic of “April 25” and made the results available in an open dataset, published on the Dados.gov portal.

The dataset contains a list of keywords put into a search engine in order to obtain results on the topic of “April 25”. The search considered names of people, places, political, social and cultural aspects, as well as words associated with the event.

The searches were carried out on March 22, 2024 using the Bing Search API, an automatic search service that returns results according to the relevance criteria of the Bing service itself and others configured by us.

A total of 12,650 unique web page addresses were obtained. It is hoped that the recording of these pages will be useful for the organizations that produced this content, for researchers who want to study our history and for citizens who cultivate a sense of memory and democracy.

Participation in the 50 years of April International Congress

João Gomes, Director of Advanced Services, FCCN-FCT presenting the Arquivo.pt Memorial service at the 50 years of April International Congress

On May 2, 2024, João Gomes, Director of Advanced Services at the FCCN Scientific Computing Unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology I.P., presented Arquivo.pt to the participants of the 50 years of April International Congress, as a distinctive service, open to citizens and useful for organizations.

This event, organized by the Estrutura de Missão – Comissão Comemorativa 50 anos 25 de Abril and the University of Lisbon, included a presentation of two FCT services for citizens: Arquivo.pt and NAU’s massive online open courses.

Arquivo.pt is a web preservation service available to all citizens who want to search for old content published on the web.

Using Arquivo.pt contributes to a better understanding of our history. It also provides useful services for cybersecurity, such as the Arquivo.pt Memorial, which is able to maintain institutions’ old websites, preventing attacks and saving them resources.

Special mention for “April 25 and Democracy” at the Arquivo.pt Awards 2025

The Arquivo.pt Award is held annually and honors works that use Arquivo.pt.

In 2025, as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of April 25, a special mention will be made of work on the theme “April 25 and Democracy”.

We therefore challenge researchers and interested citizens to create innovative works using Arquivo.pt.

If you have any questions about the Arquivo.pt Award, please contact us.

Training about web archiving in Madeira island


Last updated on May 8th, 2024 at 07:31 pm

The Arquivo.pt team was in Funchal between April 15 and 19, 2024, and presented two different sessions on web preservation. The first took place during the Jornadas FCCN 2024 and the second was a workshop, after the event had ended, at the headquarters of the Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation (ARDITI).

Arquivo.pt at Jornadas FCCN 2024

The session held during the Jornadas FCCN 2024 was entitled “Arquivo.pt at the service of culture” and aimed to highlight two of Arquivo.pt’s collaborations in the field of culture and knowledge, namely with Wikipedia Portugal and the Virtual Museum of Tourism (MUVITUR).

At the FCCN Zapping session, Arquivo.pt presented the Arquivo404 service, which allows websites to offer historical content instead of the negative “Page not found”.

Workshop with ARDITI

The post-Day Workshop, promoted by ARDITI, was open to regional institutions and citizens in general. It was entitled “Arquivo.pt and the preservation of Internet memory”.

The contents were structured according to the training program run by Arquivo.pt and preceded by a framework between the other services of the FCCN – FCCN – Computação Científica da FCT.

Just as important as the content was the dialog that was established during the sessions between the participants and the Arquivo.pt team to clarify doubts or ask questions.

Web preservation is increasingly important for organizations that want to preserve part of their institutional memory and develop security policies.

ARDITI gave an important signal about preserving the web memory of Madeiran institutions by hosting and promoting the Arquivo.pt training sessions.

If you want to promote the preservation of web content in your organization, check out the Arquivo.pt training and contact us.

More about

Arquivo.pt in the top 3 of government services in Portugal


Arquivo.pt, Portugal’s national web preservation service, has earned a prominent position by being named one of the top 3 government services in the 2023 Portugal Digital Awards. This recognition is testimony to the crucial role played by Arquivo.pt in the preservation and accessibility of Portugal’s digital heritage.

The three finalists in the category Best Government Project (best digital transformation project in the public administration sector) were Arquivo.pt, the Porto Digital Association and Banco de Portugal, which received the winning award.

Mission and recognition

Arquivo.pt, developed by the FCCN – National Scientific Computing , stands out as an innovative initiative in the field of digital preservation. Its mission is to collect and archive web content, allowing users to access past versions of web pages, documents and other online resources.


The recognition at the Portugal Digital Awards highlights not only the importance of digital preservation, but also the effectiveness and relevance of Arquivo.pt as a government service. By providing a journey through time via the Internet, this resource becomes a valuable tool for researchers, academics and the general public.

Commitment to digital preservation

Participation in the award underlines Arquivo.pt’s commitment to improving the historical record of the evolution of the Web in Portugal. This service not only contributes to the country’s digital memory, but also facilitates research, promoting understanding of digital evolution over time.

In addition, Arquivo.pt’s distinction reflects FCCN’s ongoing effort to develop and improve innovative services that benefit society. Digital preservation is a crucial component in ensuring that Portugal’s digital heritage is passed on to future generations, and Arquivo.pt fulfills this role in a unique way.

In conclusion, recognition in the Portugal Digital Awards 2023, a competition that received over 300 candidate services, solidifies Arquivo.pt’s position as one of the leading government services at the forefront of digital preservation. This achievement highlights the growing importance of digital preservation in the digital age in which we live.

Know more

Arquivo.pt presentations at IIPC GA/WAC, RESAW 2023 and CLEOPATRA

Last updated on March 10th, 2024 at 05:23 pm

Meeting the Web Archive Community

The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, held its General Assembly with its members on May 10, 2023.

On the following days, May 11 and 12, the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (IIPC WAC) was held, an initiative open to the community, where people or entities not associated with the IIPC and interested in the Web preservation domain can participate.

The two events were jointly hosted by KB – National Library of the Netherlands, and by Beeld & Geluid – Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision.

Contributions from the Arquivo.pt at the Web Archiving Conference

Arquivo.pt participated in the IIPC working group meetings (Training Working Group and Curators Working Group) and contributed with presentations in the thematic sessions Collaborations & Outreach and Program infrastructure (sessions 7 and 17).

  • Arquivo.pt updates 2023 (slides)
  • Linking web archiving with arts and humanities: the collaboration between ROSSIO and Arquivo.pt (video, slides)
  • Arquivo.pt behind the curtains (slides)

Meeting the RESAW research community

RESAW (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials) is an initiative created in 2012 with the aim of promoting studies based on archived Web content, in areas such as Social Sciences, Digital Arts and Humanities.

The RESAW 2023 conference was held at the MUCEM Lab (Mediterranean Institute of Heritage Crafts) in Marseille on June 5-6, 2023, under the theme Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age.

Contributions from Arquivo.pt to RESAW 2023

Arquivo.pt contributed with presentations to the sessions Web Archive in Mediterranean area and its merge (4.A), From online Tools to Web Archive (6.B.), Towards a participatory approach to collections (9. A.), Digging up the materials for writing web history (9.B.).

  • How to research governmental web data? (abstract, slides)
  • Archiving Cryptocurrencies (abstract, slides)
  • Time to explore, time to learn from the archived web: Arquivo.pt training initiative (abstract, slides)
  • Exhibiting Web Memories from Arquivo.pt: a call for community participation (abstract, slides)

CLEOPATRA Project Meeting

The CLEOPATRA Project, led by the L3S Research Center at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover, has developed since 2019 a training programme for doctoral researchers (Early Stage Researcher, PhD).

Arquivo.pt has participated in three courses: Incentives design for hybrid multilingual information processing and analytics, in Southampton; National and transnational media coverage of European parliamentary elections, 2004-2014, London; and NLP for under-resourced languages, in Zagreb, Croatia.

In 2022, the Arquivo.pt welcomed two researchers in its facilities who used the archived resources and received special support from the Arquivo.pt team to develop their research.

The CLEOPATRA Project ended in 2023 with a meeting on the 16th May, in Hannover, which brought together Professors, Researchers and representatives of the institutions involved.

Daniel Gomes, Arquivo.pt’s Manager, highlighted the new tools that Arquivo.pt makes available and the results of the work carried out by the researchers that have passed through Arquivo.pt.

Arquivo.pt at Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023. Register now!

thumbnail jornadas FCCN 2023

Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 04:03 pm

Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023 was held at the Naval School in Almada from 27 to 29 June 2023.

This event is a meeting for sharing knowledge among the entities that make up the national higher education and research community.

The event counts with the participation of decision-makers of the institutions, people in charge of computer technical services and people responsible for libraries and documentation services, among others.

Arquivo.pt presented two 90-minute sessions, on June 28th from 2h30 p.m. to 6 p.m., under the theme “Arquivo.pt services for managing citations and cybersecurity” and the service Arquivo.pt Memorial in the Zapping session.


June 28 2:30-16 p.m.: Arquivo.pt: available services and system architecture

Sessão 2 4:30-6 p.m.: Arquivo.pt: uma ferramenta para gerir citações e cibersegurança

Arquivo.pt Memorial


Jornadas de Computação Científica Registration page Científica 2023

Arquivo.pt was considered the best Digital Service of 2022

thumbnial seal the best digital service

Last updated on December 13th, 2022 at 12:39 pm

Exame Informática, the oldest Portuguese magazine on Information and Communication Technology, distinguished Arquivo.pt with the award for the Best Digital Service of the year 2022.

The prize was delivered during the 16th gala Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico, held on November 29th, 2022, in Lisbon.

Daniel Gomes, manager of Arquivo.pt, dedicated the award to the various teams that have worked on Arquivo.pt over the years. In the month in which Arquivo.pt marked 15 years of existence, this distinction is an excellent anniversary gift, he concluded.

He also invited those present to discover the old pages of Exame Informática preserved in Arquivo.pt.

Photos of the event

Selo Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022
Prémio Serviço Digital. Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022
Prémio Serviço Digital. Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022
Prémio Serviço Digital. Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022
Selo Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022 Prémio Serviço Digital. Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022 Prémio Serviço Digital. Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022 Prémio Serviço Digital. Os Melhores & As Maiores do Portugal Tecnológico 2022


Award cerimony

Flash interview

Extract from the programme Exame Informática broadcast by SIC Notícias on 11 December 2022 (was obtained by external screen recording).

15 years of Arquivo.pt celebrated in a event promoted by Wikimedia


Last updated on August 18th, 2023 at 03:29 pm

On November 8, 2007, the Portuguese Web Archive was officially created and later named Arquivo.pt.

To celebrate this date, Wikimedia Portugal and Arquivo.pt have associated themselves in the organization of an online event dedicated to the preservation of the digital heritage.


  • Introdução – André Barbosa, Wikimédia Portugal (Video)
  • 15 anos de Arquivo.pt – Daniel Gomes, Arquivo.pt (Slides, Video)
  • Wikimedia na Universidade: Exploração e Projetos na NOVA FCSH – Rute Correia, Residência WMPT na NOVA FCSH, (Slides; Video)
  • GLAM Wiki. Uma introdução geral – Giovanna Fontenelle, Fundação Wikimédia, Brasil (Slides; Video)
  • Demo dos recursos em acesso livre no Arquivo.pt – Daniel Gomes (Video)

More information


Participation of Arquivo.pt in the meetings of the International Internet Preservation Consortium


Last updated on August 1st, 2023 at 05:37 pm

IIPC Web Archiving Conference

The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, held its General Assembly with its members between May 17 and 19, 2022.

The following week, between May 24 and 25, held the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (IIPC WAC), online as in the previous year due to the contingencies of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 2022 edition of these two events was hosted by the Library of Congress.

Arquivo.pt resources and initiatives presented at the IIPC WAC 2022

The IIPC Web Archiving Conference is an initiative open to the community, where people or entities interested in the Web preservation domain may participate.

The Arquivo.pt contributed to the Ligthtning Talks sessions (session 5 and session 13).

The Arquivo.pt presentations focused on the resources and initiatives that this service has lately developed for the community.

Cultural heritage on the Web: the online presence of museums

Last updated on July 7th, 2022 at 09:26 pm

The Portuguese Museums Network was the community invited to participate in the cycle of three webinars entitled “Cultural Heritage on the Web: online presence of museums”.

The aim is to raise awareness among museum managers and professionals about the importance of preserving content published on the Web and to make known the services and tools of Arquivo.pt.

This initiative is promoted by the Direção Geral do Património Cultural, through the Departamento de Museus, Conservação e Credenciação and Divisão de Museus e Credenciação, which welcomed and integrated in its training offer the proposal of Arquivo.pt (FCT, I.P.) .

Information and materials

June 21st, 2022 – The Arquivo.pt and the preservation of digital memory (1st webinar)

In this session Arquivo.pt is presented as a useful service to museums and institutions that the community can count on to preserve digital cultural heritage, specifically Web content.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator (in substitution of Daniel Gomes, manager of Arquivo.pt)
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Slides (PDF)
  • Video

June 22, 2022 – Publishing Well to Preserve Well (2nd Webinar)

This session deals with the aspects that an institution must take into account to create and maintain preservable websites.

  • Speaker: Pedro Gomes, responsible for the Arquivo.pt collections
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Slides
  • Vídeo

June 27, 2022 – Archiving the Web: DIY (3rd Webinar)

This session offers a tutorial for creating a local web archive, recording contentes in a standard format and using open tools that any person can use.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Vídeo
  • Slides

June 28, 2022 – Repeat of the first session (extra session)

Open session for those who were not able to participate in the 1st session.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Video
  • Slides

Online exhibition: discover museums’ online presence over time