
Meet the winners of the Award 2024!

Last updated on September 26th, 2024 at 06:13 pm

The winners of the 2024 Award were announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner for this edition.

27 applications were received.

The awards ceremony took place during the closing session of the Ciência 2024 meeting, on 5 July, at Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto.

1st place – “Noticioso – Desafiar percepções”

The winner of the 10,000 euro prize was the work “Noticioso – Challenging perceptions” developed by Carmen Fonseca and António Ramiro (Cubbo Team).

“Noticioso” is a platform where users can compare media coverage of various topics through a game (Quiz). It also allows users to explore trends over time using an analytical tool. How well do you know Portuguese news? Come and find out.

For example, which topic made the most news between 2000 and 2020: global warming or Sporting Club of Portugal? data says it was Sporting football club.

2nd place – “Habitação.PT: Uma visão do Mercado de Habitação em Portugal”

The 2nd prize of 3,000 euros was awarded to the work “Habitação.PT: Uma visão do Mercado de Habitação em Portugal” (“Habitação: An overview of the housing market in Portugal”) by Diogo Gonçalves.

“Habitação” is a tool that allows the user to interactively explore the evolution of the average value of the Portuguese housing and rental market, contextualised with news published on the subject and housing policies.

For example, in Lisbon in 2009 the price was around 1600 €/m2, rising to 4800 €/m2 in 2023. The rise in housing prices is contextualised by news stories over time.

3rd place – “Pegada Lusa”

The 3rd place prize of 2,000 euros was awarded to the work “Pegada Lusa” (Portuguese green footprint), developed by Sérgio Teixeira and Diana Teixeira.

“Pegada Lusa” is a work that shows the evolution of sustainable policies and initiatives in the various regions of the country, based on an analysis of projects and good practice from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For example, the Porto region has a sustainability index (“Green Score”) of 57%, based on the content of the news analysed.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper: “Uma viagem no tempo com o Público e o Expresso”

The newspaper Público, official partner of the 7th edition of the prize, awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “Uma viagem no tempo com o Público e o Expresso” (“A time travel with Público and Expresso newspappers”), by Rita Marques Costa and Beatriz Malveiro.

“A journey through time with Público and Expresso” analyses and compares the web pages of Público and Expresso since 1998, showing the website user how the digital versions of these media have evolved.

For example, in 2014, both Público and Expresso began to emphasise the headlines on their homepages and Expresso began to have a daily digital edition.

Honorable Mention granted by Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC): “discordAR: a Proximidade dos Partidos na Assembleia da República”

The Aveiro Media Competence Centre (AMCC) has awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “discordAR: a Proximidade dos Partidos na Assembleia da República”, by Miguel Salema and Sebastião Fonte.

“discordAR: The Proximity of the Parties in the Assembly of the Republic” is an app that shows the proximity between political parties, using votes in the Portuguese Parliament.

For example, we can see the percentage of votes in the same direction between the Parties in the period relating to the XII Legislature (2012 to 2015).

Honorable Mention granted by .PT: “ArquivoNC – o arquivo web do Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã”

The DNS.PT Association awarded an Honourable Mention to the Professor who encouraged the submission of the work “ArquivoNC – o arquivo web do Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã” (“ArquivoNC – the web archive of the Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã”), thus promoting the use of as a training and learning tool in the classroom. The work was created by student Rodrigo Dias da Silva, supervised by Professor Ricardo Campos, from the University of Beira Interior (UBI).

“ArquivoNC – the web archive of the Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã” is a work within the scope of the final project of the Engineering course at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) that provides access to ten years of web pages of the newspaper Notícias da Covilhã from the news preserved by between 2009 and 2019.

Awards Ceremony

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