FCCN_A Minha Biblioteca_24 maio 2024_2

Higher education library mobility program brings professionals to Arquivo.pt

Arquivo.pt operado pela FCCN FCT e localizado no Campus do LNEC

Arquivo.pt headquarters, operated by FCCN FCT, in Lisbon.

On May 24, the FCCN welcomed professionals from Higher Education Libraries (HEL) for the first time as part of the program promoted by the Higher Education Libraries Working Group (GT-BES) of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists, Documentalists and Information Professionals (BAD), My library is your library.

This is a mobility program that aims to carry out short-term visits with a view to exchanging experiences and hands-on contact with good practices, fostering collaboration and knowledge of Portuguese HEIs among professionals in the field.

Advanced services for knowledge

In this first edition of the program at FCCN, the participating colleagues (3 professionals from the University of Lisbon and 1 from the Catholic University of Porto) were offered a tour of the digital support services for higher education institutions operated by FCCN-FCT

Some services are familiar to information professionals, such as B-On and RCAAP. Others are back-office services and therefore less visible, but they are essential for higher education institutions. For example, Eduroam, which guarantees access to the Internet, RCTSaai for authentication or RCTS CERT for responding to security incidents.

Highlights include the Arquivo.pt and NAU services

The day highlighted Arquivo.pt and the NAU Platform, two services in the field of knowledge that are available to higher education institutions and also to society.

The Arquivo.pt team showed the backoffice of this Internet preservation service in Portugal and carried out a practical exercise in recording and integrating content into the web archive.

The NAU Platform is a platform for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) created with the aim of democratizing knowledge, promoting digital literacy, enabling education and training for broad communities of users, particularly the Portuguese and Lusophone population.

More recently, with its integration into the North American platform edx.org, it has also been made available to all potential Portuguese-speaking trainees around the world. Participants in the program were shown how to build a MOOC course on the edx platform.

The program also included a visit to the Data Center and the professional television studio at the FCCN.

Visit by participants in the Higher Education Libraries mobility program to the FCCN Tv Studio
Visit by participants in the Higher Education Libraries mobility program to the FCCN Tv Studio

To know more