Meet the winners of the Award 2024!


Last updated on September 26th, 2024 at 06:13 pm

The winners of the 2024 Award were announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner for this edition.

27 applications were received.

The awards ceremony took place during the closing session of the Ciência 2024 meeting, on 5 July, at Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto.

1st place – “Noticioso – Desafiar percepções”

The winner of the 10,000 euro prize was the work “Noticioso – Challenging perceptions” developed by Carmen Fonseca and António Ramiro (Cubbo Team).

“Noticioso” is a platform where users can compare media coverage of various topics through a game (Quiz). It also allows users to explore trends over time using an analytical tool. How well do you know Portuguese news? Come and find out.

For example, which topic made the most news between 2000 and 2020: global warming or Sporting Club of Portugal? data says it was Sporting football club.

2nd place – “Habitação.PT: Uma visão do Mercado de Habitação em Portugal”

The 2nd prize of 3,000 euros was awarded to the work “Habitação.PT: Uma visão do Mercado de Habitação em Portugal” (“Habitação: An overview of the housing market in Portugal”) by Diogo Gonçalves.

“Habitação” is a tool that allows the user to interactively explore the evolution of the average value of the Portuguese housing and rental market, contextualised with news published on the subject and housing policies.

For example, in Lisbon in 2009 the price was around 1600 €/m2, rising to 4800 €/m2 in 2023. The rise in housing prices is contextualised by news stories over time.

3rd place – “Pegada Lusa”

The 3rd place prize of 2,000 euros was awarded to the work “Pegada Lusa” (Portuguese green footprint), developed by Sérgio Teixeira and Diana Teixeira.

“Pegada Lusa” is a work that shows the evolution of sustainable policies and initiatives in the various regions of the country, based on an analysis of projects and good practice from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For example, the Porto region has a sustainability index (“Green Score”) of 57%, based on the content of the news analysed.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper: “Uma viagem no tempo com o Público e o Expresso”

The newspaper Público, official partner of the 7th edition of the prize, awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “Uma viagem no tempo com o Público e o Expresso” (“A time travel with Público and Expresso newspappers”), by Rita Marques Costa and Beatriz Malveiro.

“A journey through time with Público and Expresso” analyses and compares the web pages of Público and Expresso since 1998, showing the website user how the digital versions of these media have evolved.

For example, in 2014, both Público and Expresso began to emphasise the headlines on their homepages and Expresso began to have a daily digital edition.

Honorable Mention granted by Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC): “discordAR: a Proximidade dos Partidos na Assembleia da República”

The Aveiro Media Competence Centre (AMCC) has awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “discordAR: a Proximidade dos Partidos na Assembleia da República”, by Miguel Salema and Sebastião Fonte.

“discordAR: The Proximity of the Parties in the Assembly of the Republic” is an app that shows the proximity between political parties, using votes in the Portuguese Parliament.

For example, we can see the percentage of votes in the same direction between the Parties in the period relating to the XII Legislature (2012 to 2015).

Honorable Mention granted by .PT: “ArquivoNC – o arquivo web do Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã”

The DNS.PT Association awarded an Honourable Mention to the Professor who encouraged the submission of the work “ArquivoNC – o arquivo web do Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã” (“ArquivoNC – the web archive of the Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã”), thus promoting the use of as a training and learning tool in the classroom. The work was created by student Rodrigo Dias da Silva, supervised by Professor Ricardo Campos, from the University of Beira Interior (UBI).

“ArquivoNC – the web archive of the Jornal de Notícias da Covilhã” is a work within the scope of the final project of the Engineering course at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) that provides access to ten years of web pages of the newspaper Notícias da Covilhã from the news preserved by between 2009 and 2019.

Awards Ceremony

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Prepare a work for the Award 2024!


Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:15 pm


Until May 6, 2024, is launching the challenge of creating a work based on  historical information preserved from the Web.

In this 7th edition of the Award, €15,000 will be awarded to the 3 best works (€10,000 for 1st place), plus 3 honorable mentions.

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Honorable mentions for authors and professors

To promote the use of the in the context of teaching, research or professional usage, three partners institutions promoted honorable mentions with an associated prize.

  • The Público newspaper will award an Honorable Mention to works based on the Público online content preserved by
  • The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) will award an Honorable Mention to the best work on the web archive of one or more Portuguese online media.
  • Association DNS.PT will award an Honorable Mention to a professor or teacher who has encouraged the submission of works.

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Meet the winners of the Award 2023!


Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pm

The winners of the Award 2023 were announced by the Público newspaper, the official communication partner of this edition, on 26 June.

40 applications were received.

The award ceremony tooke place during the closing session of the Encontro Ciência (Portuguese Science Summit), on July 7, at Aveiro University.

1st place – “Viajar no tempo sobre carris”

The winner of the 10 000 euro prize was the work “Viajar no tempo sobre carris” (Travelling through time on rails) developed by Antero Pires, Carlos Cipriano, Diogo Ferreira Nunes and Ruben Martins.

Viajar no tempo sobre carris” is an online platform that analyses and presents the evolution of train travel times in Portugal, based on timetables preserved in

For example, it allows you to see the duration of the journey Lisbon-Oporto on the Alfa Pendular since the year 2000.

2nd place – “Representatividade das mulheres artistas na imprensa nacional”

The 2nd prize of 3 000 euros was awarded to the work “Representatividade das mulheres artistas na imprensa nacional” (Representativeness of women artists in the national press), by Cláudia Sevivas and Miguel Boavida.

This work resulted in the website Existo that provides information on Portuguese artists, referring to the web pages in which they were mentioned over time. The work is based on an analysis of their representation and visibility that allows several readings.

For example, we can find information about the artist Joana Vasconcelos, news about other artists in a certain year or even get a graphic visualization of women artists compared to men.

3rd place – “Memória Política

The 3rd prize of 2 000 euros was awarded to the work “Memória Política”, (Political Memory) developed by Miguel Lopes, Maria Carneiro and João Andrade.

“Memória Política” is a Web application that processes and presents information taken from the web pages of political parties represented in the Portuguese Parliament, archived by

For example, it allows you to search for the term “democracy” and obtain pages from the websites of the Parties related to the search. The results can be grouped by Party and by year.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

The Público newspaper, official partner of the 6th edition of the Prize, awarded an Honourable Mention to the work “Fábrica do Jornal” (Newspaper factory), carried out by Miguel Almeida.

“Fábrica do Jornal” is a Web application that allows the user to generate a personalized newspaper from the news preserved at The user can obtain a version that can be printed or saved in digital format.

Honorable Mention granted by AMCC – Aveiro Media Competence Center

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC), awarded its Honourable Mention to the work “Imaginarium”, carried out by Diogo Sousa.

Imaginarium” is a web application that searches for images based on similarities with other images.

For example, after suggesting an image of a car, “Imaginarium” searches for images in that have some affinity with the suggested image.

Flash interview – AMCC Executive Director

Award cerimony

The awards ceremony took place at the closing session of the Science 2023 Meeting, at the University of Aveiro, on 7 July 2023.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the President of the FCT Board of Directors, Madalena Alves and the Executive Director of the Aveiro Media Competence Centre, João Moraes Palmeiro.

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Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023

Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
Cerimónia de Entrega Prémio 2023
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Prepare a work for the Award 2023!


Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pm

Until May 4th, launches the challenge of creating a work based on historical information preserved from the Web.

In this 6th edition of the Award, 15 000 euros will be granted to the three best works (1st place: 10 000 euros).

Works about any subject may be submitted, done individually or in group. The only condition is that was the main source of information.

The Público newspaper will grant an Honorable Mention for works based on the web-archived content of Público online.

The Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) will also grant an Honorable Mention to one of the submitted works that focuses on the archives of the online version of century-old newspapers.

All details at:

The Award promotes the visibility of the applicants and their institutions.

Help us spread the word about the Award 2023 among potential candidates!


Meet the winners of the Award 2022! 2022

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pm

The winners of the Award 2022 were announced by the Público newspaper on 22th July 2022, the official communication partner of this edition, which awarded an honorable mention to the best work based on its historical web content.

22 applications were received.

The award ceremony took place during the Commemorative Session of the World Science Day: the excellence of research in Portugal, on November 24th, at the Teatro Thalia, in Lisbon.

1st place – “Arquivo do Parlamento”

The winner of the 10 000 euro prize was the work “Parliamentary Archive” developed by Tiago Santos.

“Parliament Archive” is a web application that aggregates news and opinion articles extracted from based on open data.

For example, a user can search on a political personality and get speeches, news and other publications that has preserved.

2nd place – “Classificação automática de artigos estigmatizantes de doenças mentais”

The 2nd prize of 3 000 euros was awarded to the work “Automatic classification of stigmatizing articles of mental illness“, authored by Alina Yanchuk, Alina Trifan, Olga Fajarda and José Luís Oliveira.

This work developed a methodology for the automatic classification of stigmatizing mental illness articles, present in Portuguese online news newspapers, using Artificial Intelligence.

For example, a news article that uses the term schizophrenia associated with a news article about political life is classified as stigmatizing. Using automated processes, this work allows to identify thousands of news items and draw the attention of the media and society to the stigmatization of mental illnesses.

3rd place – “Arquivo Público”

The 3rd place winner received a prize of 2 000 euros and was awarded to the work “Arquivo Público”, developed by Diogo Correia and Ricardo Campos.

“Arquivo Público” is a web application focused on the contents published on the Público newspaper website over time and preserved by

As a result, we have a web interface that allows the visualization of archived news about a specific subject and also the representation of the number of news, most frequent terms and geographical reference.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

The Público newspaper, official partner of the 5th edition of the Award, granted an Honorable Mention to the work “Arquivo Público”, carried out by Diogo Correia and Ricardo Campos.

Photos of the award cerimony

The award ceremony took place during the commemorative session of the National Day of Scientific Culture, on November 24th 2022, at the Teatro Thalia, in Lisbon.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the President of the Board of Directors of FCT, Madalena Alves, and the representative of the media partner, the science editor of Público newspaper, Teresa Firmino.

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Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022

Créditos das fotos: Pedro Ferreira – FCT | FCCN |

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On line Cafe with continues

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 02:11 pm


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Welcome to the third season of the Online Cafe with

Talk directly to the team and get answers to all your questions! The launched a new cycle of team chats with you through online sessions. Brief introductory presentations will be given, leaving time to ask all your questions about how to get more out of or how to apply to the Awards.


February 17, 2022 – Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses

Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses” (Front pages of Portuguese online newspapers) presents an interactive graphical analysis of the front pages of Portuguese online newspapers. For this study, specific items within the newspaper design were analysed, thus allowing trends to be observed over time.

Susana Parreira, explains how she developed this work as part of her Masters, with the collaboration and guidance of Ana Boavida (Universidade de Coimbra) Ana Sabino (Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco) and Penousal Machado (Universidade de Coimbra).

22nd session –  January 20, 2022 – Politiquices, allows to research support or opposition relations between political personalities and parties expressed in news headlines. This application uses information preserved in to create an ontology of relations. It uses Natural Language Processing technology. David Batista, 2nd place of Awards 2021, will explain how he developed his work and demonstrate the applications for researchers and citizens in general.

Special session – World Digital Preservation Day 2021 – Major minors project – november 5

In November, World Digital Preservation Day is broadly celebrated and, to mark this international initiative, held an online session open to the community. Special guests of this session were the winners of the Award 2021, Leandro Costa, Paulo Martins and José Carlos Ramalho.

Previous seasons

Presentation at the IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2022

Meet the winners of the Award 2021!

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:17 pm

The winners of the 2020 Award was announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner of this year’s edition, which granted an honorable mention to the best work based on the contents of the newspaper. 26 candidate works were received.

The award ceremony toke place during Science 2021 – Meeting with Science and Technology, june 30, at the Lisbon Congress Center.

1st place – “Major Minors”

The winner of the 10,000 euros prize was the work “Major Minors” by Paulo Martins e Leandro Costa.

“Major Minors” is an Ontology of press clippings from Portuguese newspapers with reference to social minorities.

2nd place – “Politiquices”

The 2nd prize in the amount of 3,000 euros was awarded to the work “Politiquices” developed by David Batista.

“Politquices” is a Web application that allows searching support or opposition relations between political personalities and parties expressed in news headlines preserved at

This interface makes it possible to analyse the relationship of support or opposition between two political personalities or organisations.

3rd place – “Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses”

The 3rd place winner received a prize of 2,000 euros and was awarded to the work “Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses”, developed by Susana Parreiraunder the supervision of Ana Sabino, Ana Boavida e Penousal Machado.

“Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses” (Front pages of Portuguese online newspapers) presents an interactive graphical analysis of the front pages of Portuguese online newspapers. For this study, specific items within the newspaper design were analysed, thus allowing trends to be observed over time.

As a result we have a Web interface that allows interactively visualising, for example, the space occupied by the images on the Público newspaper front page.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

Público newspaper, official partner of the 4th edition of the Prize, awarded its Honorable Mention to the work “Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses”.



Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021
Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021 Entrega do Prémio 2021

Photos by Valter Gouveia – FCT | FCCN |

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Open applications to the Award 2021!


Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:17 pm

Open applications to the Award 2021!

In this 4th edition of the annual Award, € 15,000 will be awarded to the 3 best works (1st place: € 10,000).

The deadline for submissions is May 4, 2021.

Works may be developed individually or in group about any topic, as long as they use the information provided by as the main source of information.

The Público Newspaper is the official media partner of the Award in 2021. It was one of the first newspapers to become available online.

Jornal Público will award an Honorable Mention to one of the works which focused on the historical web-archive of Público online.

Full details about the applications are available at:

The Award promotes the visibility of the applicants and their institutions.

Help us to spread the word about the Award!

Meet the winners of the Award 2020!

Card Meet the winners of the Award 2020

Last updated on August 22nd, 2024 at 03:22 pm

The winners of the 2020 Award were announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner of this year’s edition, which granted an honorable mention to the best work based on the contents of the newspaper. 29 candidate works were received.

The award ceremony toke place during Science 2020 – Meeting with Science and Technology, November 4, at the Lisbon Congress Center.

1st place – “Desarquivo”

The winner of the 10,000 euros prize was the work “ Desarquivo ” developed by Miguel Ramalho.

“Desarquivo” is a website that enables searching for named entities (e.g. people, organizations and places) and identify relationships among them, based on news published in online newspapers along time.

The search results are presented in the form of a graph or network of relationships that enables a journalist, researcher or any common citizen to dynamically explore the relationships among historical information preserved from the Web by

For example, a user can explore ideological proximity among political parties along time.

2nd place – “ Extension”

The 2nd prize in the amount of 3,000 euros was awarded to the work “ Extension ”,  a browser extension developed by Rodrigo Marques and Hugo Silva.

This extension enables users to perform advanced searches on directly from the browser , without having to leave the page they are currently viewing.

The “ Extension” is available for download in the Chrome Web Store.

3rd place – “Arquivo Económico .pt”

The 3rd place winner received a prize of 2,000 euros and was awarded to the work “Arquivo Económico .pt” by Nuno Bragança.

The “Arquivo Económico .pt” organizes and presents information preserved by about the prices of products since the time of the Portuguese coin escudo.

As a result, we have a website that enables searching the price of consumer goods by different categories, such as supermarket, transportation or others, on given dates.

For example, users can easily know how much a trip from Lisbon-Porto or a cell phone call costed in 1999.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

Jornal Público, official partner of the 3rd edition of the Prize, awarded its Honorable Mention to the work “Jornal do Passado”, developed by Bruno Galhardo.

“Jornal do Passado” is a game for all ages, developed for Android, in which the users test their knowledge about news or events by guessing the date in which they occurred.

As a result, we have an app that enables searching the historical information preserved by in a pedagogical and fun way.

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Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 no grande auditório do Centro de Congressos de Lisboa
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 20201104-EncontroCiencia-0140 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 no grande auditório do Centro de Congressos de Lisboa Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020

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Time travel with Público Newspaper

Viagem no tempo com o jornal Público (cartão quadrado)

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 02:42 pm

Time Travel of Público Newspaper - card

In the 30th anniversary of Público Newspaper, we are invited to visit web pages of the electronic version of the newspaper, through a Time travel.

By clicking on each link we can visit an old Webpage which maintains the appearance and functionalities it had at the time it was published.

The selection of the pages was done by Público Newspaper, in collaboration with which achieved their presentation in the form of a timeline.

In the Award 2020 edition Público Newspaper will award an Honorable Mention to works based on the versions preserved by

Applications are wellcome until 4 May: 2020 Award.

We believe that a travel to the past will raise ideas and topics for study from the preserved contents.

More time travel

To have a time travel for your organization, please contact us.