On November 8, 2007, the Portuguese Web Archive was officially created and later named Arquivo.pt.
To celebrate this date, Wikimedia Portugal and Arquivo.pt have associated themselves in the organization of an online event dedicated to the preservation of the digital heritage.
Introdução – André Barbosa, Wikimédia Portugal (Video)
15 anos de Arquivo.pt – Daniel Gomes, Arquivo.pt (Slides, Video)
Wikimedia na Universidade: Exploração e Projetos na NOVA FCSH – Rute Correia, Residência WMPT na NOVA FCSH, (Slides;Video)
GLAM Wiki. Uma introdução geral – Giovanna Fontenelle, Fundação Wikimédia, Brasil (Slides;Video)
Demo dos recursos em acesso livre no Arquivo.pt – Daniel Gomes (Video)
The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, held its General Assembly with its members between May 17 and 19, 2022.
The following week, between May 24 and 25, held the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (IIPC WAC), online as in the previous year due to the contingencies of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Arquivo.pt resources and initiatives presented at the IIPC WAC 2022
The IIPC Web Archiving Conference is an initiative open to the community, where people or entities interested in the Web preservation domain may participate.
The Arquivo.pt contributed to the Ligthtning Talks sessions (session 5 and session 13).
The Arquivo.pt presentations focused on the resources and initiatives that this service has lately developed for the community.
Exhibiting Web memories from Arquivo.pt with free tools (abstract, slides, video)
The Portuguese Museums Network was the community invited to participate in the cycle of three webinars entitled “Cultural Heritage on the Web: online presence of museums”.
The aim is to raise awareness among museum managers and professionals about the importance of preserving content published on the Web and to make known the services and tools of Arquivo.pt.
This initiative is promoted by the Direção Geral do Património Cultural, through the Departamento de Museus, Conservação e Credenciação and Divisão de Museus e Credenciação, which welcomed and integrated in its training offer the proposal of Arquivo.pt (FCT, I.P.) .
Information and materials
June 21st, 2022 – The Arquivo.pt and the preservation of digital memory (1st webinar)
In this session Arquivo.pt is presented as a useful service to museums and institutions that the community can count on to preserve digital cultural heritage, specifically Web content.
Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator (in substitution of Daniel Gomes, manager of Arquivo.pt)
June 27, 2022 – Archiving the Web: DIY (3rd Webinar)
This session offers a tutorial for creating a local web archive, recording contentes in a standard format and using open tools that any person can use.
The meeting was broadcast online with the aim of sharing with the community of archivists what has been an experience of collaborative curation of Web content.
Collaboration between a municipal archive and a web archive
This meeting took place in the continuity of a collaboration between the two teams developed during the pandemic period.
The Arquivo Municipal de Sines made a selective and systematic collection of Web content related to the Municipality of Sines, with the collaboration of local media, such as Rádio Miróbriga and Rádio Sines.
In turn, Arquivo.pt contributed with training on tools, like Webrecorder.net, that records in standardized format and prepared useful services, such as SavePageNow that allows to record pages on the fly directly on Arquivo.pt.
Local history is better with preserved Web pages
From this collaboration resulted the preservation of thousands of Web pages (about 200 Gigabytes of information) about the experience of the pandemic in the geographical area of Sines and Santiago do Cacém.
The copies of the Web Archive Files (WARCs) sent to Arquivo.pt have been integrated to become available.
Cryptocurrencies and web curation were the starting point for sharing the news of the service and talking about the work developed since the last edition of the Jornadas.
Zapping session remembered the 15 years of Arquivo.pt
Arquivo.pt was created in 2007 with the goal of collecting the Portuguese Web. After fifteen years it continues its mission, collecting, but mainly facilitating the access to preserved contents, both for the researcher and the common citizen.
In the Zapping session at the conference, in which each FCCN service presented its services, the Arquivo.pt was highlighted for its long-standing activity in Web preservation.
Training with the Library of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
The Arquivo.pt team was in the Library of the School of Technology and Management (ESTGV) in an extra session of the conference dedicated to digital preservation, mainly to institutional content published on the Web.
The training was promoted by the Library team, especially Dr. Rosa Silva, Coordinator of the service, and had the participation of the community. Besides the presentations, there was an opportunity to share ideas and point out future collaborations.
Paulo Medeiros, responsible for the service of Culture, Communication and Documentation, presented the institutional channels of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. These channels are increasingly present on the Web, such as the magazine Polistécnica that went digital in 2012, the scientific journal Millenium and the video channel Politécnico TV.
Arquivo.pt showed how any person or institution can have their Web contents preserved in an adequate format. To save contents directly on Arquivo.pt you can use the new SavePageNow recording service. To make a local Web archive you can use ArchiveWeb.page – Webrecorder.net.
Arquivo.pt APIs presented to Internet technologies students
The Arquivo team was in the classroom, thanks to the excellent welcome given by Prof. Dr. Valter Alves, director of the Design and Multimedia Technology course. Vasco Rato, Web developer of the Arquivo.pt, presented the APIs of the Arquivo.pt (Applications Programming Interfaces) for the automatic processing of preserved information.
By using the APIs of Arquivo.pt the students can make assignments for the technology subjects and compete to the Arquivo.pt Award.
Daniel Gomes na sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Daniel Gomes na sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Pedro Gomes na sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Pedro Gomes na sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Ricardo Basílio na sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Ricardo Basílio na sessão do Arquivo.pt nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV
Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV
Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV
Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV
Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV
Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV
Web pages for the history of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
In 2018, the library team developed a project with the participation of young students that resulted in a documentary short film where memories of old web pages, preserved by Arquivo.pt, were included.
Wikimedia Portugal has started a collaboration with Arquivo.pt that aims at raising the community’s attention to the preservation of contents published on Wikipedia.
Eighty percent of the pages published on the Web disappear or are changed, just one year after their publication. At the same time, the information in Wikipedia is based on information mostly published on the Web. The disappearance of reference information undermines the reliability of Wikipedia articles.
Webinar cycle “Cultural Heritage on the Web: how to preserve references in Wikipedia?”
Arquivo.pt and the preservation of digital memory (1st Webinar)
Gonçalo Themudo, President of Wikimedia Portugal, introduced the 1st webinar of the cycle entitled Cultural heritage on the Web: how to preserve references in Wikipedia?. He stressed the importance of preserving the references (URLs) used by authors when publishing articles in Wikipedia. Daniel Gomes, Manager of Arquivo.pt, showed how Arquivo.pt preserves Web contents and how the community of Wikipedia authors can contribute to the effective preservation of those contents.
Automatic access and processing of preserved information from the Web through APIs (2nd Webinar)
Webinar that presents the Archive.pt’s APIs (Application Programming Interface) that enable the automatic processing of historical information preserved from the Web, in order to develop innovative and useful applications for organizations. This Webinar is mainly intended for IT professionals (e.g. Web developers, Web designers, Web marketers).
Webinar that presents how to preserve cultural information of a municipal and national nature published on the Web. It demonstrates through practical cases how anyone can archive information published on the web in a proper format that will allow its preservation for the future using free tools. This Webinar is intended for any Internet user but is particularly useful for those responsible for communication and information management in organisations.
The aim of this initiative was to present the services of Arquivo.pt and disseminate their use so that the historical heritage published on the web can be preserved and exploited by any citizen.
The sessions were open by registration and had a total of 126 participants (average of 31 per session).
The speakers’ presentations were recorded and can now be accessed, along with the slides from each session.
Sessions held
September 15 – Arquivo.pt. What is it? What is it for?
Daniel Gomes, manager of Arquivo.pt, the public Web preservation service operated by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., explains how any citizen can use to consult Web pages from the past in the most diverse cases and talks about the importance of preserving the digital memory.
November 11 – API Arquivo.pt : automatic acess to the Web preserved information
Vasco Rato, web developer of Arquivo.pt, presented the Arquivo.pt’s APIs (Application Programming Interface). These enable the development of innovative and useful applications for organizations through the automatic processing of historical information preserved from the Web.
Ricardo Basílio, curador digital do Arquivo.pt, apresentou um tutorial sobre a utilização das ferramentas do Webrecorder.net para gravação de páginas Web em formato normalizado no próprio computador, a qual permite que uma pessoa ou uma organização possa organizar em pequena escala o seu próprio arquivo da Web.
December 9 – Publish on the Web: best practices by Arquivo.pt
Pedro Gomes, the engineer responsible for the Arquivo.pt crawls, addressed the issue of publishing preservable web contents. How many contents are in formats that make their future access difficult or impossible? These situations were illustrated with practical cases and recommendations on how to avoid them. Therefore, it all boils down to publishing well in order to preserve well.
Web Archiving Conference 2021 – the most important meeting in the field of Web preservation, where experts share new knowledge and experiences
RESAW Conference – meeting of the European RESAW network (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials) this year in its 4th edition, mainly addressed to the community of researchers from non-technological scientific areas, such as Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.
Contributions of Arquivo.pt to the international community
Arquivo.pt presented some results of the work developed in the last year, with emphasis on the functionalities that improve the reproduction of the archived contents, such as the “Complete the page”.
Two historical collections were integrated on the Arquivo.pt: the Geocities and the Internet Memory Foundation. Arquivo.pt did special collections about the 2019 European Elections and Covid-19.
The contents of Arquivo.pt are accessible to any researcher regardless of the country they are in and therefore it is a useful service to the international community.
Arquivo.pt updates 2021: presentation at the IIPC – General Assembly, by Daniel Gomes (Vídeo)
Complete the page. 1 minute drop in (presentation at the IIPC – General Assembly “complete the page”), by Daniel Gomes (Slide, Video)
A transnational and cross-lingual crawl of the European Parliamentary Elections 2019, by Ivo Branco (Slides, Vídeo)
Enhancing access to research the Geocities historical collection, by Pedro Gomes (Slides, Vídeo)
Complete the page – demo. Slide used in the IIPC 1 minute presentation, at the IIPC General Assembly 2021
Welcome to the second season of the Online Cafe with Arquivo.pt
Talk directly to the Arquivo.pt team and get answers to all your questions! The Arquivo.pt launched a new cycle of team chats with you through online sessions. Brief introductory presentations will be given, leaving time to ask all your questions about how to get more out of Arquivo.pt or how to apply to the Arquivo.pt Awards.
Sessions held
21st session – Bilions of images to search on Arquivo.pt – all about the Arquivo.pt API
In March 2021 Arquivo.pt launched a new version with 1800 million images available. The search for images in web archives at this scale is unique in the world and innovative. The process used for indexing was explained in detail, in this session, as well as the best way to take advantage of these resources using the API to create new works based on images.
André Mourão, Ph.D. in Computer Science, is working on the indexing of the information, specially images from the Internet of the past to the present at Arquivo.pt (Portuguese Web Archive). He is a researcher working on ways to search and interpret multimedia data (e.g., images, text, video) effectively at large scales. He is also the co-creator of Revisionista.PT, uncovering post-publication edits in Portuguese news articles (with Flávio Martins) and an Associated Member at NOVA LINCS research center.
20th session – March 26 – The Online Centenary of the Great War
Daniela Major, invited speaker of the 20th Café with Arquivo.pt, presented a use case about historical research and old websites. The commemoration of the Centenary of the 1st World War generated several strategies for international cooperation in the 21st century and such diversity is present in the information published on commemorative websites. In this session, Daniela Major will show how she used Web archives to start a study in the context of Contemporary History, as well as the methodological implications in her work.
Daniela Major is a PhD student in Digital Humanities at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. In 2019, within the scope of the ROSSIO Infrastructure, he started at Arquivo.pt a study on the celebrations of World War I based on the preserved contents of the Web. Currently, his PhD focuses on the media impact of the idea of Europe over the past few years. 15 years, in an effort to combine intellectual history with digital humanities.
This event, Cafe with Arquivo.pt, toke place for the first time 1 year ago, on the 27th march 2020. Cheers!
Special Session – March 2 – Arquivo.pt Award story and questions
Resume: The Arquivo.pt Award was created in 2018 in order to promote the use of Arquivo.pt for innotive works. How many candidates had applied since till now? What areas did the work focus on? What is the balance between Studies and Applications? Who were the winners and what were their main contributions? These and other questions were the guidelines for this session dedicated Award 2021.
This session was presented by Daniel Gomes and the Arquivo.pt team
This session was dedicated to the websites of Portuguese newspapers. Diogo Silva da Cunha talked about his first contact with Arquivo.pt and his approach, concretized in an “research route” as a way of delimiting the scope of his analysis. He also presented the results of his research about Correio da Manhã, Diário de Notícias, Expresso and Público newspapers.
Diogo Silva da Cunha is PhD student at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon, collaborator at the Center for Philosophy of Sciences at the same university. He recently published a study on the preservation of newspapers’ web pages in the book “O choque tecno-liberal, os media e o jornalismo: estudos críticos sobre a realidade Portuguesa”. In 2017, he participated in the Digital Humanities project Investiga XXI at Arquivo.pt.
17th session – january 15 – How to do an exhibition of old web pages without being an IT expert (tutorial)
This session present by Ricardo Basílio, the Arquivo.pt digital curator, is focused in practical aspects, when preparing an exhibition of old pages. As example: the use of long links, tipical of web archives, graphic aspects to be taken into account and navigation routes between webpages. The WordPress.com is used as platform to show how easy is build a web exhibition. The core aspects of dissimination content from Web archives have application in other platforms.
16th session – december 11 – Arquivo Económico .pt
Arquivo Económico .PT, authored by Nuno Bragança, 3rd place in Arquivo.pt Awards 2020, is a WebApp that allows discovering prices on web pages along time, over a set products in frequent use and compare them with current prices. Data are obtainned automatically from Arquivo.pt, processed and presented in an intuitive way for the common user.The possibility of comparing the present with the past based on information from the archived web shows how it can be useful not only to satisfy curiosity but also to support studies in many areas.
In this session we met the winners of 2nd place the Arquivo.pt Awards 2020. Rodrigo Marques and Hugo Silva talked about the their work “Arquivo.pt Extension” wich is a browser extension that allows users to search on Arquivo.pt. They showed through practical examples how the extension save time and helps the acess to the Arquivo.pt.
The speaker for this session was the winner of the Arquivo.pt 2020 Award, Miguel Ramalho, who presented his work. “Desarquivo” is a web aplication that searches for entities on Arquivo.pt and return a graph.
As in 2017, 2018 e 2019, we invited everyone to get to know Arquivo.pt, and to use it in research and in the preservation of memory.
World Digital Preservation Day is promoted by the Digital Preservation Coalitium (UK) and an occasion for initiatives around the world, shared on social networks with the WDPD2020 hashtag.