Project “Renascer” brings back old websites

Last updated on April 17th, 2023 at 06:32 pm

Organizations keep domains that referenced websites which are no longer used, to prevent them from being bought or because they were just forgotten.

The aim of project Renascer (Reborn) is to bring back historical websites whose content is no longer available online and whose domain continues to be held by their authors.

“Forgotten” domains can cause cybersecurity problems

In May 2023, the domain of the Harvard Medical School-Portugal project referenced just one default web page hosted on an active server and the domain continued to be owned by its author.

In this situation, the original content of the website was inaccessible despite the fact that the domain continued to be owned by the author of the website.

Furthermore, since the domain was still pointing to an active web server, cybersecurity issues could occur if this server was not being properly maintained.

The domain could be reborn to reference the contents of this website preserved by

How are websites Reborn?

The domain owner only has to redirect it to, through the Memorial service.

For example, the domain started to reference back its original contents preserved by, thus making this website to be reborn.

Examples of Reborn domains

Project Renascer identified active domains managed by FCCN which were not referencing any content, and gave them a new life turning them to reference its historical contents preserved by

Contact to reborn the historical websites of your organization.

See the following examples of Reborn websites:




15 years of celebrated in a event promoted by Wikimedia


Last updated on August 18th, 2023 at 03:29 pm

On November 8, 2007, the Portuguese Web Archive was officially created and later named

To celebrate this date, Wikimedia Portugal and have associated themselves in the organization of an online event dedicated to the preservation of the digital heritage.


  • Introdução – André Barbosa, Wikimédia Portugal (Video)
  • 15 anos de – Daniel Gomes, (Slides, Video)
  • Wikimedia na Universidade: Exploração e Projetos na NOVA FCSH – Rute Correia, Residência WMPT na NOVA FCSH, (Slides; Video)
  • GLAM Wiki. Uma introdução geral – Giovanna Fontenelle, Fundação Wikimédia, Brasil (Slides; Video)
  • Demo dos recursos em acesso livre no – Daniel Gomes (Video)

More information


Afghanistan Websites and the fall of the regime in August 2021

thumbnail_Karima Faryabi

Last updated on September 26th, 2022 at 03:57 pm


Afghanistan Ministry of Economy website with Karima Faryabi (recorded August 17, 2021)

On August 15, 2021 the presidential palace in Kabul was taken over by the Taliban, consummating the fall of the regime that had been in place for 20 years, following the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

The community of Web archivists, through the Content Development Working Group – International Internet Preservation Consortium, was challenged to record the Afghan sites, given the risk that they would disappear with the new regime.

No time to lose when it comes to preserving the Web reacted quickly, launching an automatic content search focused on .af domain sites and on international media news about the ongoing events.

On August 17, the websites began to be recorded.

1800 website addresses from Afghanistan (ending in .af) and 500 media news stories from around the world were used.

The addresses, URLs or “seeds” were obtained through automated search using the Bing Search API and immediately put into recording.

Content available to know Afghanistan’s history

As a result of the collection carried out, more than 400 Gigabytes of information became available at, which anyone can use for research in the most diverse areas.

The main contribution of to the community of Web archivists was the use of the automatic search that allows a quick reaction in the recording of Web contents in imminent risk of being lost.

Know more open data set (

Content collected by the Content Development Working Group of the International Internet Preservation Consortium available at the Archive-it service

Cultural heritage on the Web: the online presence of museums

Last updated on July 7th, 2022 at 09:26 pm

The Portuguese Museums Network was the community invited to participate in the cycle of three webinars entitled “Cultural Heritage on the Web: online presence of museums”.

The aim is to raise awareness among museum managers and professionals about the importance of preserving content published on the Web and to make known the services and tools of

This initiative is promoted by the Direção Geral do Património Cultural, through the Departamento de Museus, Conservação e Credenciação and Divisão de Museus e Credenciação, which welcomed and integrated in its training offer the proposal of (FCT, I.P.) .

Information and materials

June 21st, 2022 – The and the preservation of digital memory (1st webinar)

In this session is presented as a useful service to museums and institutions that the community can count on to preserve digital cultural heritage, specifically Web content.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator (in substitution of Daniel Gomes, manager of
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Slides (PDF)
  • Video

June 22, 2022 – Publishing Well to Preserve Well (2nd Webinar)

This session deals with the aspects that an institution must take into account to create and maintain preservable websites.

  • Speaker: Pedro Gomes, responsible for the collections
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Slides
  • Vídeo

June 27, 2022 – Archiving the Web: DIY (3rd Webinar)

This session offers a tutorial for creating a local web archive, recording contentes in a standard format and using open tools that any person can use.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Vídeo
  • Slides

June 28, 2022 – Repeat of the first session (extra session)

Open session for those who were not able to participate in the 1st session.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Video
  • Slides

Online exhibition: discover museums’ online presence over time


Municipality of Sines and together on the International Archives Day


Last updated on June 27th, 2022 at 08:40 am

The Municipal Archive of the Municipality of Sines and celebrated the International Archives Day, June 9, at the Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho, with a Workshop on preserving the digital memory of Sines (Portugal).

The meeting was broadcast online with the aim of sharing with the community of archivists what has been an experience of collaborative curation of Web content.

Collaboration between a municipal archive and a web archive

This meeting took place in the continuity of a collaboration between the two teams developed during the pandemic period.

The Arquivo Municipal de Sines made a selective and systematic collection of Web content related to the Municipality of Sines, with the collaboration of local media, such as Rádio Miróbriga and Rádio Sines.

In turn, contributed with training on tools, like, that records in standardized format and prepared useful services, such as SavePageNow that allows to record pages on the fly directly on

Local history is better with preserved Web pages

From this collaboration resulted the preservation of thousands of Web pages (about 200 Gigabytes of information) about the experience of the pandemic in the geographical area of Sines and Santiago do Cacém.

The copies of the Web Archive Files (WARCs) sent to have been integrated to become available.


Arquivo404 presents web-archived pages instead of “pages not found”

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Last updated on November 14th, 2023 at 02:46 pm

Does your website presents “Error 404 – Page not found” messages to your users? offers a solution for this problem through Arquivo404.

Just insert a single line of code in the page that generates the 404 error message on your website and web-archived pages will be presented to your users instead of pages not found.

See these examples on websites that installed arquivo404.

How does Arquivo404 work?


When a page is no longer on a website, Arquivo404 checks if a preserved version exists.

When a user tries to access a page that is no longer available on a website, Arquivo404 automatically checks if there is a version of that page preserved in

If the page exists in, a link is presented so that the user may visit this version. If it does not exist, the normal error page is displayed.

See Arquivo404 at work in this example of an error page that presents a link automatically generated by Arquivo404.

How to install arquivo404 on your website?

The simplest implementation of arquivo404 is to insert the following Javascript on the HTML code that generates the “Page not found” message:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async defer onload=";"></script>

The code in Arquivo404 can easily be adapted. You can for example create a customised error message.

Hint for WordPress websites: When editing the 404 error page and inserting the arquivo404 script inside the <body>, you must put the <!– wp:html –> tag at the beginning and the <!– /wp:html –> tag at the end, otherwise the script will be deleted.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact us!

Know more

Short link to this page:

How to preserve Web references from Wikipedia?

Wikimedia Portugal e

Last updated on May 19th, 2022 at 07:05 pm

Wikimedia Portugal has started a collaboration with that aims at raising the community’s attention to the preservation of contents published on Wikipedia.

Eighty percent of the pages published on the Web disappear or are changed, just one year after their publication. At the same time, the information in Wikipedia is based on information mostly published on the Web. The disappearance of reference information undermines the reliability of Wikipedia articles.

Webinar cycle “Cultural Heritage on the Web: how to preserve references in Wikipedia?”

The cycle of Webinars, promoted by Wikimedia Portugal, includes educational content that enriches the training of information and communication professionals but also the digital literacy of any citizen. and the preservation of digital memory (1st Webinar)

Gonçalo Themudo, President of Wikimedia Portugal, introduced the 1st webinar of the cycle entitled Cultural heritage on the Web: how to preserve references in Wikipedia?. He stressed the importance of preserving the references (URLs) used by authors when publishing articles in Wikipedia. Daniel Gomes, Manager of, showed how preserves Web contents and how the community of Wikipedia authors can contribute to the effective preservation of those contents.

  • Held on February 22, 2022
  • Speaker: Daniel Gomes,
  • Slides
  • Video

Automatic access and processing of preserved information from the Web through APIs (2nd Webinar)

Webinar that presents the’s APIs (Application Programming Interface) that enable the automatic processing of historical information preserved from the Web, in order to develop innovative and useful applications for organizations. This Webinar is mainly intended for IT professionals (e.g. Web developers, Web designers, Web marketers).

  • Date: 22 Mar. 2022 15:00 – 16:30
  • Speaker: Vasco Rato,
  • Slides
  • Video

Web archiving: do it yourself! (3rd Webinar)

Webinar that presents how to preserve cultural information of a municipal and national nature published on the Web. It demonstrates through practical cases how anyone can archive information published on the web in a proper format that will allow its preservation for the future using free tools. This Webinar is intended for any Internet user but is particularly useful for those responsible for communication and information management in organisations.

  • Date: 19 Abr. 2022 15:00 – 16:30
  • Speaker: Daniel Gomes,
  • Slides
  • Video

Training in colaboration with the City Council of Lisboa


Last updated on December 13th, 2021 at 12:02 pm


A cycle of webinars was held between October and December 2021, organised by the Department of Development and Training of the Municipality of Lisbon, within the digital skills program Passaporte Competências DigitaisCâmara Municipal de Lisboa, in collaboration with Centro Qualifica +ValorLx, a Infraestrutura ROSSIO and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P.

The aim of this initiative was to present the services of and disseminate their use so that the historical heritage published on the web can be preserved and exploited by any citizen.

The sessions were open by registration and had a total of 126 participants (average of 31 per session).

The speakers’ presentations were recorded and can now be accessed, along with the slides from each session.

Sessions held

September 15 – What is it? What is it for?

Daniel Gomes, manager of, the public Web preservation service operated by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., explains how any citizen can use to consult Web pages from the past in the most diverse cases and talks about the importance of preserving the digital memory.

November 11 – API : automatic acess to the Web preserved information

Vasco Rato, web developer of, presented the’s APIs (Application Programming Interface). These enable the development of innovative and useful applications for organizations through the automatic processing of historical information preserved from the Web.

November 25 – Archive the Web: do-it-yourself!

Ricardo Basílio, curador digital do, apresentou um tutorial sobre a utilização das ferramentas do para gravação de páginas Web em formato normalizado no próprio computador, a qual permite que uma pessoa ou uma organização possa organizar em pequena escala o seu próprio arquivo da Web.

December 9 – Publish on the Web: best practices  by

Pedro Gomes, the engineer responsible for the crawls, addressed the issue of publishing preservable web contents. How many contents are in formats that make their future access difficult or impossible? These situations were illustrated with practical cases and recommendations on how to avoid them. Therefore, it all boils down to publishing well in order to preserve well.

Know more about training is open to collaborations aiming at training professionals in organizations or common citizens on Web preservation.

Learn about the training modules and contact us.


H2020 projects preserved by

Thumbnail H2020 projects

Last updated on June 16th, 2023 at 01:40 pm

The main objective of is to preserve online information for research and education purposes.

Previously, identified and preserved Research & Development project websites funded by the European Union during the FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7 programmes (1994-2013).

Now, contributed to preserve online information that documents R&D projects funded by the Horizon 2020 programme (2014-2021). It preserved 197 million web files (17 TB) related to science for future access.

H2020 projects publish valuable information online but are being lost

Websites about Research and Development (R&D) projects are increasingly being used to publish and disseminate important scientific information that complements published literature (e.g. data sets, documentation or software).

However, after projects ending, the corresponding websites usually disappear causing a permanent loss of unique and valuable scientific information. automatically identified URLs that document H2020 Research and Development projects

The European Union’s Open Data Portal published a data set from the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) that documents H2020 research projects. However, from the 31 129 projects listed, only 46% presented a project URL. developed a low-cost methodology that automatically identifies URLs related to R&D projects to be systematically preserved. This automatic identification is achieved through the combination of open data sets with web search services. This methodology is detailed on a scientific article published at the International Conference on Digital Preservation 2016.

In sum, we extracted 106 300 unique URLs from the following open data sets:

Then, we extracted the acronym and title of the projects from the data sets and automatically searched the web for additional URLs using the Bing Search API.

All the data sets and tools developed have been made publicly available in open access so that they can be reused and collaboratively enhanced. In particular, you can access the software developed to automatically identify additional URLs about H2020 projects.

197 million web files related to science were preserved identified and preserved 197 million web files (17 TB) that document R&D projects funded by Horizon 2020.

In 2021, we can already witness project websites that are no longer available online, such as the Extended Model of Organic Semiconductors (EXTMOS) project ( However, it was preserved and can be accessed at

Archived version at ( of the home page of the EXTMOS Research and Development project ( by H2020.
Archived version at of the home page of the EXTMOS Research and Development project funded by H2020.

Contributions to complement the European Open Data Sets

All the resulting data sets were made publicly available so that they can be improved and reused by other organizations also interested on preserving this digital heritage:

If you want to know more information about this collection you can watch the video Preservation of web content related to Horizon 2020.


Are you a researcher? certified as an open data provider


Last updated on August 17th, 2022 at 08:39 am has been collaborating with Agência Modernização Administrativa (AMA) with the aim of improving the preservation of Public Administration websites.

Collaboration is based on three action points:

AMA is the public organisation responsible for promoting digital means in Public Administration and aims to modernise and simplify citizens’ access to State services. is a service operated by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia I.P. that preserves data published on the Web between 1996 and the present day, making them accessible to any citizen for memory and research purposes.

EU open data directive includes documents on websites

The Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information stipulates the following:

“(30) This Directive lays down the definition of the term ‘document’ and that definition should include any part of a document. The term ‘document’ should cover any representation of acts, facts or information — and any compilation of such acts, facts or information — whatever its medium (paper, or electronic form or as a sound, visual or audiovisual recording.

(34) To facilitate re-use, public sector bodies should, where possible and appropriate, make documents, including those published on websites, available through an open and machine-readable format and together with their metadata, at the best level of precision and granularity, in a format that ensures interoperability

(35) A document should be considered to be in a machine-readable format if it is in a file format that is structured in such a way that software applications can easily identify, recognise and extract specific data from it. Data encoded in files that are structured in a machine-readable format should be considered to be machine-readable data. A machine-readable format can be open or proprietary. They can be formal standards or not.

(60) The Commission should facilitate the cooperation among Member States and support the design, testing, implementation and deployment of interoperable electronic interfaces that enable more efficient and secure public services. is a public service that has the mission of preserving documents published on Internet sites to enable their long-term open access and provides interoperable electronic interfaces (APIs) for their automatic processing.

The Portuguese Law No. 68/2021 of 2021-08-26 approves the general principles on open data and transposes the European Directive. was certified as a Public Administration open data provider

The AMA recognized as a public service and open data provider and awarded its certification seal on the Open Data Portal. collects general information published on the Web of interest to the Portuguese community. However, it is also responsible for the preservation of Public Administration websites, such as the Portal do Governo, in collaboration with the Management Center for the Government Electronic Network (CEGER).

Any citizen can access the open data resulting from these historical archives and, for example, search for official information published on the websites of successive governments.

In 2021, provided open access to over 10 billion files (721 TB) from 27 million websites. The open data preserved by can be explored through the search interface, automatically through API ( or by reusing derived datasets.

Derived datasets available on the Open Data Portal

Besides the original web artefacts preserved at, this service has generated open datasets derived from its activities, which are now available in open access so that they can be reused:

Resources list

Video presentation at the IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2022