New “query suggestions” on!

Thumbnial did-you-mean launched a new version, named Caronte, on January 19, 2021.

In this version we improved the query suggestions feature (Did you mean).

Whenever a user enters a query containing a potential error, presents a suggestion for an alternative query.

For example, when searching for “now york” you get the suggestion “Did you mean: new york”.


Figure 1: Example of the query suggest feature by searching the term “now york”

The opening of applications to the Award 2021 until the 4th May became also emphasized on the home page.

Help us to improve!

To help us, just search the using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you encounter any problem, please contact us!

Remember to always send us the address of the page where you detected the problem.

To know more preserves websites of national scientific projects


Last updated on October 1st, 2021 at 09:11 am

Preserving scientific project websites is important

The contents of the websites tend to disappear when the scientific projects are finished.

The preservation of scientific project websites is important because:

  • documents the development of projects;
  • ensures access to unique technical and scientific content that researchers have posted on the project websites (eg presentations, photographs, data sets);
  • reinforces the visibility of the results of projects financed by FCT.

Experimental collection of scientific projects websites in 2016 automatically collected websites for projects financed by FCT in 2016.

The information about these websites was dispersed as it was not recorded during the administrative process.

For about 20 years, FCT financed scientific projects, so the number of sites could be too high to be identified manually.

Then an automatic methodology for identifying these websites was developed, developed by

The FCT database had a total of 11,996 project entries but did not include references to web addresses. Applying the automatic methodology, 7 956 URLs related to the funded scientific projects were identified.

The collection of content referenced by these addresses resulted in the preservation of 600 721 files (72 GB), including content such as research group web pages, researchers’ personal pages or project-related blogs.

Online references in scientific project reports have been preserved since 2020

From June 2020, the website addresses of the projects financed by FCT must be registered in the progress and final reports funded by FCT. started using these addresses to preserve the contents of websites of national scientific projects in a systematic way.

1st official collection of scientific project websites

In June 2020, obtained 263 addresses related to 100 scientific projects from the reports submitted to FCT. Most of the addresses (67%) did not have any version previously preserved in

The addresses obtained point to online resources such as the websites of the projects, R&D units, news in the media, articles in scientific journals or repositories, databases, videos on Youtube or Facebook pages.

In July 2020, a special collection was launched from this set of addresses which resulted in 6.9 GB of information obtained from the visit to 31,606 URLs.

Exhibition about Research & Development projects

The Scientific Research Memory is an online exhibition dedicated to the websites of scientific projects funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) that has preserved.

There are also websites of the Research & Development Units financed by FCT.

Memorial do preserves scientific websites for free

The Memorial do service has preserved historic FCT websites that have been disabled. These were created for events or initiatives that have ended and therefore their contents are no longer updated.

To include a website in the Memorial, starts by making a high quality collection of its contents.

Then, the collected contents are validated in collaboration with those responsible for the website.

Finally, the website address is redirected to the contents that have been preserved by

For example, if someone wants to access any page on the Scientific Archives Meeting held in 2014, they will be redirected to

Thus, the contents remain accessible over time and the links, the references in scientific communications that may exist do not break.

The digital preservation service Memorial do is free of charge for websites of the academic and scientific community, just send a request to

To know more

Online archives or archives of the online?


At the end of 2020, we recommend some texts that put the future in perspective.

We highlight the theme of preserving online content presented in the ebook “Tendências 2021” (Trends 2021). The contribution of Daniel Gomes, the manager, was entitled “Arquivos online ou do online?” (Online archives or archives of the online?).

I was invited to write about the challenges and threats to online archives. The first question that came to me was what is meant by an “online archive”?

My concern lies in the “archives of the online” because there is not even an established awareness about their need, whether at an academic, governmental or individual level.

It is technologically impossible to preserve all information available online. But it is absurd not to be aware that we have to preserve some of the information online for short, medium and long term access.

The complete text (in Portuguese) is available at pages 23 to 26 of the open-access book “Tendências 2021”.

The challenge is to cultivate awareness about the importance of preserving content online by learning how to do it in practice.

Happy New Year!

World Digital Preservation Day 2020


Last updated on November 23rd, 2020 at 06:20 pm


On November 5, World Digital Preservation Day, held an online session open to the community.

Registration form (free but required)

The speaker for this session was the winner of the 2020 Award, Miguel Ramalho, who presented his work. “Desarquivo” is a web aplication that searches for entities on and return a graph.

As in 2017, 2018 e 2019, we invited everyone to get to know, and to use it in research and in the preservation of memory.

World Digital Preservation Day is promoted by the Digital Preservation Coalitium (UK) and an occasion for initiatives around the world, shared on social networks with the WDPD2020 hashtag.


November 5th

3:00 pm – Welcome! Presentation of the team (slides, 1 MB, PDF)
3:05 pm – Archive News – Daniel Gomes (slides, 2.6 MB, PDF)
3:15 pm – Desarquivo, 1st place in the Awards 2020, by Miguel Ramalho (slides, 3 MB, PDF)
3:45 pm – Questions
4:00 pm – Conclusion

Session video

Satisfaction query

Collection about Covid-19 in Portugal

Thumbnail Covid-19 colletcion in Portugal

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 08:26 am

Banner Covid-19 colletcion in Portugal

Suggest web pages about Covid-19 invites everyone to suggest web pages that document the Covid-19 pandemic to be preserved for future access. Help us to keep a complete memory of the Portuguese live during this period.

Suggest pages using this form:

Thousands of web pages to tell the story of the pandemic in Portugal has been carrying out special collections of web pages related to the Covid-19 pandemic since March 2020.

“Future academics, scientists and journalists who are studying the Portuguese response to the Covid-19 pandemic will want to read first-hand testimonies of those affected, official records of the number of victims, and recommendations from doctors, politicians and scientists at the time” , Público newspaper, May 1, 2020 edition.

Daily, content was collected from a set of 106 sites on the theme of Covid-19. This set includes, for example, websites for the media, government, associations and university initiatives.

In another set are Twitter pages (108 identified in May), Youtube videos (815 identified in May) and also pages from Reddit and Git Hub.

Suggestions from the community were included. For example, Archivists from Sines (Portugal) collected local news related to Covid-19 (9 GB). The project also contributed and identified pages from newspapers. People sent suggestions through the public form.

Collaboration with IIPC for international collection

In February 2020, the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), the main organization on Web preservation, proposed to its members a collection about the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. contributed with 1 237 seeds, mainly in Portuguese. With successive contributions from other countries, the IIPC collection reached over 7 000 pages in July 2020.

A form is also available for anyone to suggest content for this international collection.

The IIPC collection “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)” is accessible via the Internet Archive Archive-it. carried out 3 collections of the international collection compiled by the IIPC, the 1st on March 23 the 2nd on June 15 and the 3rd on late August, thus gathering international content useful for worldwide researchers.

Methodology for the selection of pages for the Covid-19 collection

We started by identifying terms related to the Coronavirus theme that included health, economic, political, geographic or organizational aspects.

Then, the Bing Azure service was used to automatically obtain, through a script, the following information for the first 10 results for each term: the page address, the title and the position in the results list.

Considering the list of results, it was decided which software would be used and which settings would be the best to collect the pages.

For example, in the case of a newspaper section dedicated to Covid-19, it was necessary to decide whether to record just one page or whether it makes sense to collect the entire site exhaustively.

Various types of software were used to collect the pages. For daily collections from 106 sites Heritrix was used. For capturing 108 Twitter accounts, Brozzler was chosen and for videos, manual capture using Webrecorder and Browsertrix.

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Meet the winners of the Award 2020!

Card Meet the winners of the Award 2020

Last updated on July 23rd, 2024 at 05:11 pm

The winners of the 2020 Award were announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner of this year’s edition, which granted an honorable mention to the best work based on the contents of the newspaper. 29 candidate works were received.

The award ceremony toke place during Science 2020 – Meeting with Science and Technology, November 4, at the Lisbon Congress Center.

1st place – “Desarquivo”

The winner of the 10,000 euros prize was the work “ Desarquivo ” developed by Miguel Ramalho.

“Desarquivo” is a website that enables searching for named entities (e.g. people, organizations and places) and identify relationships among them, based on news published in online newspapers along time.

The search results are presented in the form of a graph or network of relationships that enables a journalist, researcher or any common citizen to dynamically explore the relationships among historical information preserved from the Web by

For example, a user can explore ideological proximity among political parties along time.

2nd place – “ Extension”

The 2nd prize in the amount of 3,000 euros was awarded to the work “ Extension ”,  a browser extension developed by Rodrigo Marques and Hugo Silva.

This extension enables users to perform advanced searches on directly from the browser , without having to leave the page they are currently viewing.

The “ Extension” is available for download in the Chrome Web Store.

3rd place – “Arquivo Económico .pt”

The 3rd place winner received a prize of 2,000 euros and was awarded to the work “Arquivo Económico .pt” by Nuno Bragança.

The “Arquivo Económico .pt” organizes and presents information preserved by about the prices of products since the time of the Portuguese coin escudo.

As a result, we have a website that enables searching the price of consumer goods by different categories, such as supermarket, transportation or others, on given dates.

For example, users can easily know how much a trip from Lisbon-Porto or a cell phone call costed in 1999.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

Jornal Público, official partner of the 3rd edition of the Prize, awarded its Honorable Mention to the work “Jornal do Passado”, developed by Bruno Galhardo.

“Jornal do Passado” is a game for all ages, developed for Android, in which the users test their knowledge about news or events by guessing the date in which they occurred.

As a result, we have an app that enables searching the historical information preserved by in a pedagogical and fun way.

Image gallery

Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 no grande auditório do Centro de Congressos de Lisboa
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020
Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 20201104-EncontroCiencia-0140 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 no grande auditório do Centro de Congressos de Lisboa Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020 Entrega de prémios na sessão de encerramento do Encontro Ciência 2020

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Replay with old browser and export results with the new version of

Exported results into an Excel sheet of a search for the word "universidade", university, limited to 10 items launched a new version of its service on July 1, 2020 named Responsive.

The purpose of this version was to improve the user experience between different devices and add new features.

Replay a past webpage using a browser from the past

We added an option to view the archived page using a browser from the past. In the Options choose Replay with old browser and you will be redirected to the service that emulates browsers such as Netscape NavigatorMicrosoft Internet Explorer or NSCA Mosaic.

This external service is useful for research use cases, in areas such as Web design, Art, Communication or History,where it is necessary to access the original visual aspect of a page from the past in the most reliable way possible.

Web page of the European Union in 1996 using the Oldweb.Today service
Web page of the European Map of WWW/NIR sites in 1996 using the Oldweb.Today service

Try this new option from to replay the European Map of WWW/NIR sites in 1996 using a contemporary browser or any other historical page using the Oldweb.Today service.

You may have to wait a while for your request to be processed but it is always faster than having to install a browser from the past on your computer.

Export search results to spreadsheet format

This new function enables users to save their search results for further treatment and analysis. This is specially useful to perform thorough research about a given topic.

After a search, in the Options, just choose one of the available formats to export the obtained results: XLSX, CSV or TXT.

Exported results into an Excel sheet of a search for the word "universidade", university, limited to 10 items
Exported results into an Excel sheet of a search for the word “universidade”, university, limited to 10 items

More on the Responsive milestone

New version of (Webapp release)

Webapp release on mobile version example

Last updated on October 12th, 2020 at 11:52 am launched a new version of its service on April 15, 2020 named WebApp.

The purpose of this version was to standardize the user experience between different devices and reduce maintenance costs by removing components with redundant functions.

Its main novelty is the combination of the desktop and mobile interfaces in a single user interface.

The old desktop version has been disabled and the mobile version has evolved to work on various types of devices and screen sizes.

Webapp release desktop and mobile

New design of the homepage


Try the new image and page search

Webapp release search in english

New user interfaces for image or text search

Help us to improve!

To help us, just search the using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you encounter any problems, please contact us!

Remember to always send the address of the page where you detected the problem.

More information

Meet the winners of the Award 2019!

Last updated on July 23rd, 2024 at 05:19 pm

The winners of the Award 2019 were announced by His Excellency the Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa during the session that took place on July 8 at 9:00 am in Auditorium 1 during the event Science 2019 – Encounter with Science and Technology at the Lisbon Congress Center.

23 applications were received.

Entregas do Prémio durante o Encontro Ciência 2019

1_GOU6417 _GOU6658 _GOU6570 _GOU6861 _GOU6647 _GOU6630 _GOU6610-2 _GOU6687 _GOU6753 _GOU6719 _GOU6713

Photos by Valter Gouveia, FCT

1st place: is a mobile application that simulates the Portuguese Parliament, calling on all citizens to play the role of a deputy.

Authors: Nuno Moniz, Arian Pasquali, Tomás Amaro

2nd place: Un-cover the news

The is an online tool to reveal post-publication changes in the Portuguese news.

Authors: Flávio Martins and André Mourão

3rd place: Public speeches about violence in private

Analysis of 217 news collected in from the three main daily newspapers, on domestic violence.

Author: Zélia de Macedo Teixeira

Materials for dissemination about the winners

About the Award 2019 is a research infrastructure managed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) that enables search and access to web pages archived since 1996.

The Award aims to annually promote innovative works based on historical information preserved by Submissions closed on May 3 and we received works in areas such as: media studies, education, design, information technology, health or cultural and historical heritage.

The Award 2019 received the High Sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Award 2020

The Award was approved as an annual initiative of the Foundation for Science and Technology that will run from January to May.

Sign up for the international mailing list to be informed about future editions of the Award!

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Search 17 million images from the past with!

Image viewer Arnold

At the end of 2018, launched an experimental image search service from the past, which it was possible to search around 4 million images from the past, coming from some collections of

From April 2019, it became possible to search for images from all the collections of

aArnold Schwarzenegger image search

You can now search over 17 million unique images (over 50 pixels in width and height) since 1996.

Find pages from the past through the new image search service.

Try the “Visit Page” option to find the Web page from the past that contained the image you selected.

Image viewer Arnold

Try the image search service now!

Search images from the past with at