Arquivo404 more powerful!

Last updated on August 9th, 2024 at 12:59 pm has been launching innovative complementary services useful for organizations to optimize their functioning.

The new release of named Helios was launched on November 13, 2023 and includes developments in Arquivo404 and CitationSaver.

Arquivo404 with new methods for defining time intervals

Arquivo404 is a service that presents website users with links to web-archived versions, instead of laconic “Page not found” error messages.

However, sometimes it is necessary to specify the correct version of a web-archived page to be displayed. For example, a website’s domain may have belonged to another entity in the past, and only web-archived versions since the website came under its current owners should to be displayed.

For this purpose, 3 new methods for configuring Arquivo404 were released :

  • setMinimumDate( minDate : Date ) – specifies the earliest date of the web-archived version of the URL that can be displayed.
  • setMaximumDate( maxDate : Date ) – specifies the latest date of the web-archived version of the URL that can be displayed.
  • setMostRelevantMemento( criterion : ‘oldest’ | ‘most-recent’ ) – specifies the order of results for the versions retrieved from the web archive. By default, the oldest version is displayed ( ‘oldest’ ).

In short, Arquivo404 now allows you to define whether to display the oldest or most recent web-archived page to the users, within a certain time interval.

CitationSaver processes HTML documents

CitationSaver is a service that extracts citations in documents to online resources and archives them. This service is particularly useful for maintaining the integrity of scientific articles and the reproducibility of the experiments and studies described in them.

Many open-access articles are published in hypertext format (HMTL). CitationSaver now processes documents in HTML format, in addition to PDF and TXT formats.

For example, if a user finds an article on the Web  which contains citations to online resources, he/she simply needs to submit the URL of the article into CitationSaver. The URLs cited in the article will be extracted and their content will be web-archived for later access.

Example of an article from the Journal of Integrated Coastal Management, available on SciELO

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Give us feedback about our services and if you detect any issue, please contact us.

SavePageNow to record webpages immediately on


Last updated on August 23rd, 2022 at 11:51 am launched a new version, called Francisco, on the 19th of January 2022.

The SavePageNow function stands out, allowing anyone to save a Web page to be preserved by  It is only necessary to enter a page’s address and browse through its contents. SavePageNow was inspired on the Internet Archive Save Page Now and implemented using webrecorder pywb.

For example, a publication on the FCCN blog marking the 30th anniversary of the Internet in Portugal was saved with SavePageNow and preserved at This way, anyone using SavePageNow is contributing to the contents published on the Internet not being lost.


Help us to improve!

The user interfaces have been recoded to be optimized, so we need your help to test them in different devices of various brands (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, laptops).

If you detect any problems, please contact us!

Remember to always send the address of the page where you detected the problem.

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Millions of images from the past!


Last updated on August 23rd, 2022 at 04:21 pm launched a new version named Dionisius, on March 24th 2021.

1.8 billion images from the past Web are now searchable on

Supporting large-scale image search over Web archives is a world-wide innovation.

To learn more about the development of this system, watch the video “ image search 2020-2021“.

Try for example, how a search for images about “golf” returns images gathered from archived websites.

Print of an example of the image search at

Results page from a search for the term “golf” on

The new image search API also allows you to create new works to apply for the Awards.

Help us to improve!

To help us, just try to perform an image search on using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you have any comment, please contact us!

Remember to always send us the URL of the page you are referring to.

To know more

New “query suggestions” on!

Thumbnial did-you-mean launched a new version, named Caronte, on January 19, 2021.

In this version we improved the query suggestions feature (Did you mean).

Whenever a user enters a query containing a potential error, presents a suggestion for an alternative query.

For example, when searching for “now york” you get the suggestion “Did you mean: new york”.


Figure 1: Example of the query suggest feature by searching the term “now york”

The opening of applications to the Award 2021 until the 4th May became also emphasized on the home page.

Help us to improve!

To help us, just search the using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you encounter any problem, please contact us!

Remember to always send us the address of the page where you detected the problem.

To know more

We improved the interface (Basileus release)

Thumbnail feature basileus version

Last updated on November 17th, 2020 at 07:00 pm launched a new version, called Basileus, on November 11, 2020.

The purpose of this version was to improve the user experience when browsing through the different interfaces of

Adjustments were made at the level of Web design which resulted in greater consistency in the structure of the code, in the graphic aspects and in the interactions, such as colors, fonts and buttons.

Print of release basileus of arquivo-pt replay Geocities

Figure 1: Search and replay interface of Web pages. In the figure, a replay of a Web page from Geocities historical collections on

Help us to improve!

To help us, just search the using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you encounter any problems, please contact us!

Remember to always send the address of the page where you detected the problem.

To know more

Replay with old browser and export results with the new version of

Exported results into an Excel sheet of a search for the word "universidade", university, limited to 10 items

Last updated on August 4th, 2024 at 05:53 pm launched a new version of its service on July 1, 2020 named Responsive.

The purpose of this version was to improve the user experience between different devices and add new features.

Replay a past webpage using a browser from the past

We added an option to view the archived page using a browser from the past. In the Options choose Replay with old browser and you will be redirected to the service that emulates browsers such as Netscape NavigatorMicrosoft Internet Explorer or NSCA Mosaic.

This external service is useful for research use cases, in areas such as Web design, Art, Communication or History,where it is necessary to access the original visual aspect of a page from the past in the most reliable way possible.

Web page of the European Union in 1996 using the Oldweb.Today service
Web page of the European Map of WWW/NIR sites in 1996 using the Oldweb.Today service

Try this new option from to replay the European Map of WWW/NIR sites in 1996 using a contemporary browser or any other historical page using the Oldweb.Today service.

You may have to wait a while for your request to be processed but it is always faster than having to install a browser from the past on your computer.

Export search results to spreadsheet format

This new function enables users to save their search results for further treatment and analysis. This is specially useful to perform thorough research about a given topic.

After a search, in the Options, just choose one of the available formats to export the obtained results: XLSX, CSV or TXT.

Exported results into an Excel sheet of a search for the word "universidade", university, limited to 10 items
Exported results into an Excel sheet of a search for the word “universidade”, university, limited to 10 items

More on the Responsive milestone

New version of (Webapp release)

Webapp release on mobile version example

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:52 pm launched a new version of its service on April 15, 2020 named WebApp.

The purpose of this version was to standardize the user experience between different devices and reduce maintenance costs by removing components with redundant functions.

Its main novelty is the combination of the desktop and mobile interfaces in a single user interface.

The old desktop version has been disabled and the mobile version has evolved to work on various types of devices and screen sizes.

Webapp release desktop and mobile

New design of the homepage


Try the new image and page search

Webapp release search in english

New user interfaces for image or text search

Help us to improve!

To help us, just search the using any device (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, tablet).

If you encounter any problems, please contact us!

Remember to always send the address of the page where you detected the problem.

More information improves advanced search

Last updated on August 4th, 2024 at 05:57 pm launched a new version on June 23, 2017 called Venus, in which the Advanced Search operators were improved.

It stands out the improvement of the search operator site that allows to restrict searches to certain preserved sites. For example:

The reproduction of preserved pages containing error messages was also reduced.

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