Open dataset about cryptocurrency

Criptomoedas gráfico

Last updated on August 17th, 2022 at 09:19 am

(Photo: QuoteInspector)

Since 2008 the cryptocurrency market has revolutionised the world by innovating and expanding into other areas (e.g., finance and art). However, with this rapid expansion, many projects are created every day, giving rise to a wide and varied range of websites, technologies and scams. Markets follow financing stages and it is during an initial stage of euphoria that more projects are created.

We believe that as the cryptocurrency market  stabilises, projects/websites are disappearing because funding diminishes or runs out. initiated a new web archive collection that preserves web content that documents Cryptocurrency activities.

This work produced a new open dataset with information documenting each cryptocurrency project, including it is original URLs and links to the corresponding web-archived version in The information sources selected to create this dataset were:

We believe that by creating this new dataset related to cryptocurrencies and by preserving all the corresponding web content, it has the potential to originate innovative scientific contributions in several areas such as Economy or Digital Humanities.


Researchers who want to carry out studies on the Cryptocurrencies dataset and need earlier access to the collected contents can contact

Presentation at the IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2022

Meet the winners of the Award 2022! 2022

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pm

The winners of the Award 2022 were announced by the Público newspaper on 22th July 2022, the official communication partner of this edition, which awarded an honorable mention to the best work based on its historical web content.

22 applications were received.

The award ceremony took place during the Commemorative Session of the World Science Day: the excellence of research in Portugal, on November 24th, at the Teatro Thalia, in Lisbon.

1st place – “Arquivo do Parlamento”

The winner of the 10 000 euro prize was the work “Parliamentary Archive” developed by Tiago Santos.

“Parliament Archive” is a web application that aggregates news and opinion articles extracted from based on open data.

For example, a user can search on a political personality and get speeches, news and other publications that has preserved.

2nd place – “Classificação automática de artigos estigmatizantes de doenças mentais”

The 2nd prize of 3 000 euros was awarded to the work “Automatic classification of stigmatizing articles of mental illness“, authored by Alina Yanchuk, Alina Trifan, Olga Fajarda and José Luís Oliveira.

This work developed a methodology for the automatic classification of stigmatizing mental illness articles, present in Portuguese online news newspapers, using Artificial Intelligence.

For example, a news article that uses the term schizophrenia associated with a news article about political life is classified as stigmatizing. Using automated processes, this work allows to identify thousands of news items and draw the attention of the media and society to the stigmatization of mental illnesses.

3rd place – “Arquivo Público”

The 3rd place winner received a prize of 2 000 euros and was awarded to the work “Arquivo Público”, developed by Diogo Correia and Ricardo Campos.

“Arquivo Público” is a web application focused on the contents published on the Público newspaper website over time and preserved by

As a result, we have a web interface that allows the visualization of archived news about a specific subject and also the representation of the number of news, most frequent terms and geographical reference.

Honorable Mention granted by Público newspaper

The Público newspaper, official partner of the 5th edition of the Award, granted an Honorable Mention to the work “Arquivo Público”, carried out by Diogo Correia and Ricardo Campos.

Photos of the award cerimony

The award ceremony took place during the commemorative session of the National Day of Scientific Culture, on November 24th 2022, at the Teatro Thalia, in Lisbon.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the President of the Board of Directors of FCT, Madalena Alves, and the representative of the media partner, the science editor of Público newspaper, Teresa Firmino.

Image Gallery

Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022
Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022 Ceriminónia de entrega dos prémios 2022

Créditos das fotos: Pedro Ferreira – FCT | FCCN |

Video of the cerimony

Flash interview videos

Dissemination materials


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Participation of in the meetings of the International Internet Preservation Consortium


Last updated on August 1st, 2023 at 05:37 pm

IIPC Web Archiving Conference

The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, held its General Assembly with its members between May 17 and 19, 2022.

The following week, between May 24 and 25, held the IIPC Web Archiving Conference (IIPC WAC), online as in the previous year due to the contingencies of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 2022 edition of these two events was hosted by the Library of Congress. resources and initiatives presented at the IIPC WAC 2022

The IIPC Web Archiving Conference is an initiative open to the community, where people or entities interested in the Web preservation domain may participate.

The contributed to the Ligthtning Talks sessions (session 5 and session 13).

The presentations focused on the resources and initiatives that this service has lately developed for the community.

Cultural heritage on the Web: the online presence of museums

Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:16 pm

The Portuguese Museums Network was the community invited to participate in the cycle of three webinars entitled “Cultural Heritage on the Web: online presence of museums”.

The aim is to raise awareness among museum managers and professionals about the importance of preserving content published on the Web and to make known the services and tools of

This initiative is promoted by the Direção Geral do Património Cultural, through the Departamento de Museus, Conservação e Credenciação and Divisão de Museus e Credenciação, which welcomed and integrated in its training offer the proposal of (FCT, I.P.) .

Information and materials

June 21st, 2022 – The and the preservation of digital memory (1st webinar)

In this session is presented as a useful service to museums and institutions that the community can count on to preserve digital cultural heritage, specifically Web content.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator (in substitution of Daniel Gomes, manager of
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Slides (PDF)
  • Video

June 22, 2022 – Publishing Well to Preserve Well (2nd Webinar)

This session deals with the aspects that an institution must take into account to create and maintain preservable websites.

  • Speaker: Pedro Gomes, responsible for the collections
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Slides
  • Vídeo

June 27, 2022 – Archiving the Web: DIY (3rd Webinar)

This session offers a tutorial for creating a local web archive, recording contentes in a standard format and using open tools that any person can use.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Vídeo
  • Slides

June 28, 2022 – Repeat of the first session (extra session)

Open session for those who were not able to participate in the 1st session.

  • Speaker: Ricardo Basílio, digital curator
  • Duration: 15h30 -17h00
  • Video
  • Slides

Online exhibition: discover museums’ online presence over time


Municipality of Sines and together on the International Archives Day


Last updated on June 27th, 2022 at 08:40 am

The Municipal Archive of the Municipality of Sines and celebrated the International Archives Day, June 9, at the Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho, with a Workshop on preserving the digital memory of Sines (Portugal).

The meeting was broadcast online with the aim of sharing with the community of archivists what has been an experience of collaborative curation of Web content.

Collaboration between a municipal archive and a web archive

This meeting took place in the continuity of a collaboration between the two teams developed during the pandemic period.

The Arquivo Municipal de Sines made a selective and systematic collection of Web content related to the Municipality of Sines, with the collaboration of local media, such as Rádio Miróbriga and Rádio Sines.

In turn, contributed with training on tools, like, that records in standardized format and prepared useful services, such as SavePageNow that allows to record pages on the fly directly on

Local history is better with preserved Web pages

From this collaboration resulted the preservation of thousands of Web pages (about 200 Gigabytes of information) about the experience of the pandemic in the geographical area of Sines and Santiago do Cacém.

The copies of the Web Archive Files (WARCs) sent to have been integrated to become available.


Cryptocurrencies and web curation on the 15th anniversary in Viseu

Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Session of at the Jornadas 2022 was at the annual meeting Jornadas de Computação Científica 2022, held from May 31st to June 2nd, at the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu.

Cryptocurrencies and web curation were the starting point for sharing the news of the service and talking about the work developed since the last edition of the Jornadas.

Zapping session remembered the 15 years of was created in 2007 with the goal of collecting the Portuguese Web. After fifteen years it continues its mission, collecting, but mainly facilitating the access to preserved contents, both for the researcher and the common citizen.

In the Zapping session at the conference, in which each FCCN service presented its services, the was highlighted for its long-standing activity in Web preservation.

Training with the Library of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão

The team was in the Library of the School of Technology and Management (ESTGV) in an extra session of the conference dedicated to digital preservation, mainly to institutional content published on the Web.

The training was promoted by the Library team, especially Dr. Rosa Silva, Coordinator of the service, and had the participation of the community. Besides the presentations, there was an opportunity to share ideas and point out future collaborations.

Paulo Medeiros, responsible for the service of Culture, Communication and Documentation, presented the institutional channels of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. These channels are increasingly present on the Web, such as the magazine Polistécnica that went digital in 2012, the scientific journal Millenium and the video channel Politécnico TV. showed how any person or institution can have their Web contents preserved in an adequate format. To save contents directly on you can use the new SavePageNow recording service. To make a local Web archive you can use – APIs presented to Internet technologies students

The Arquivo team was in the classroom, thanks to the excellent welcome given by Prof. Dr. Valter Alves, director of the Design and Multimedia Technology course. Vasco Rato, Web developer of the, presented the APIs of the (Applications Programming Interfaces) for the automatic processing of preserved information.

By using the APIs of the students can make assignments for the technology subjects and compete to the Award.

Image gallery

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Daniel Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Pedro Gomes na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Ricardo Basílio na sessão do nas Jornadas FCCN 2022 em Viseu Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Sessão de formação na Biblioteca da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV Aula no curso de Tecnologia Design e Multimédia da ESTGV

Web pages for the history of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

In 2018, the library team developed a project with the participation of young students that resulted in a documentary short film where memories of old web pages, preserved by, were included.

Arquivo404 presents web-archived pages instead of “pages not found”

thumbnail- erro404-en-

Last updated on November 14th, 2023 at 02:46 pm

Does your website presents “Error 404 – Page not found” messages to your users? offers a solution for this problem through Arquivo404.

Just insert a single line of code in the page that generates the 404 error message on your website and web-archived pages will be presented to your users instead of pages not found.

See these examples on websites that installed arquivo404.

How does Arquivo404 work?


When a page is no longer on a website, Arquivo404 checks if a preserved version exists.

When a user tries to access a page that is no longer available on a website, Arquivo404 automatically checks if there is a version of that page preserved in

If the page exists in, a link is presented so that the user may visit this version. If it does not exist, the normal error page is displayed.

See Arquivo404 at work in this example of an error page that presents a link automatically generated by Arquivo404.

How to install arquivo404 on your website?

The simplest implementation of arquivo404 is to insert the following Javascript on the HTML code that generates the “Page not found” message:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async defer onload=";"></script>

The code in Arquivo404 can easily be adapted. You can for example create a customised error message.

Hint for WordPress websites: When editing the 404 error page and inserting the arquivo404 script inside the <body>, you must put the <!– wp:html –> tag at the beginning and the <!– /wp:html –> tag at the end, otherwise the script will be deleted.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact us!

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ArchivePageNow to archive webpages immediately on


Last updated on January 7th, 2025 at 07:05 pm

The ArchivePageNow, initially named SavePageNow, allows anyone to archive a Web page to be preserved by  It is only necessary to enter a page’s address and browse through its contents. ArchivePageNow was inspired on the Internet Archive Save Page Now and implemented using webrecorder pywb.

For example, a publication on the FCCN blog marking the 30th anniversary of the Internet in Portugal was saved with ArchivePageNow and preserved at This way, anyone using ArchivePageNow is contributing to the contents published on the Internet not being lost.


Help us to improve!

The user interfaces have been recoded to be optimized, so we need your help to test them in different devices of various brands (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, laptops).

If you detect any problems, please contact us!

Remember to always send the address of the page where you detected the problem.

To Know more


How to preserve Web references from Wikipedia?

Wikimedia Portugal e

Last updated on May 19th, 2022 at 07:05 pm

Wikimedia Portugal has started a collaboration with that aims at raising the community’s attention to the preservation of contents published on Wikipedia.

Eighty percent of the pages published on the Web disappear or are changed, just one year after their publication. At the same time, the information in Wikipedia is based on information mostly published on the Web. The disappearance of reference information undermines the reliability of Wikipedia articles.

Webinar cycle “Cultural Heritage on the Web: how to preserve references in Wikipedia?”

The cycle of Webinars, promoted by Wikimedia Portugal, includes educational content that enriches the training of information and communication professionals but also the digital literacy of any citizen. and the preservation of digital memory (1st Webinar)

Gonçalo Themudo, President of Wikimedia Portugal, introduced the 1st webinar of the cycle entitled Cultural heritage on the Web: how to preserve references in Wikipedia?. He stressed the importance of preserving the references (URLs) used by authors when publishing articles in Wikipedia. Daniel Gomes, Manager of, showed how preserves Web contents and how the community of Wikipedia authors can contribute to the effective preservation of those contents.

  • Held on February 22, 2022
  • Speaker: Daniel Gomes,
  • Slides
  • Video

Automatic access and processing of preserved information from the Web through APIs (2nd Webinar)

Webinar that presents the’s APIs (Application Programming Interface) that enable the automatic processing of historical information preserved from the Web, in order to develop innovative and useful applications for organizations. This Webinar is mainly intended for IT professionals (e.g. Web developers, Web designers, Web marketers).

  • Date: 22 Mar. 2022 15:00 – 16:30
  • Speaker: Vasco Rato,
  • Slides
  • Video

Web archiving: do it yourself! (3rd Webinar)

Webinar that presents how to preserve cultural information of a municipal and national nature published on the Web. It demonstrates through practical cases how anyone can archive information published on the web in a proper format that will allow its preservation for the future using free tools. This Webinar is intended for any Internet user but is particularly useful for those responsible for communication and information management in organisations.

  • Date: 19 Abr. 2022 15:00 – 16:30
  • Speaker: Daniel Gomes,
  • Slides
  • Video

On line Cafe with continues

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 02:11 pm


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Welcome to the third season of the Online Cafe with

Talk directly to the team and get answers to all your questions! The launched a new cycle of team chats with you through online sessions. Brief introductory presentations will be given, leaving time to ask all your questions about how to get more out of or how to apply to the Awards.


February 17, 2022 – Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses

Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses” (Front pages of Portuguese online newspapers) presents an interactive graphical analysis of the front pages of Portuguese online newspapers. For this study, specific items within the newspaper design were analysed, thus allowing trends to be observed over time.

Susana Parreira, explains how she developed this work as part of her Masters, with the collaboration and guidance of Ana Boavida (Universidade de Coimbra) Ana Sabino (Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco) and Penousal Machado (Universidade de Coimbra).

22nd session –  January 20, 2022 – Politiquices, allows to research support or opposition relations between political personalities and parties expressed in news headlines. This application uses information preserved in to create an ontology of relations. It uses Natural Language Processing technology. David Batista, 2nd place of Awards 2021, will explain how he developed his work and demonstrate the applications for researchers and citizens in general.

Special session – World Digital Preservation Day 2021 – Major minors project – november 5

In November, World Digital Preservation Day is broadly celebrated and, to mark this international initiative, held an online session open to the community. Special guests of this session were the winners of the Award 2021, Leandro Costa, Paulo Martins and José Carlos Ramalho.

Previous seasons

Presentation at the IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2022