Time travel with Público Newspaper

Viagem no tempo com o jornal Público (cartão quadrado)

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 02:42 pm

Time Travel of Público Newspaper - card

In the 30th anniversary of Público Newspaper, we are invited to visit web pages of the electronic version of the newspaper, through a Time travel.

By clicking on each link we can visit an old Webpage which maintains the appearance and functionalities it had at the time it was published.

The selection of the pages was done by Público Newspaper, in collaboration with Arquivo.pt which achieved their presentation in the form of a timeline.

In the Arquivo.pt Award 2020 edition Público Newspaper will award an Honorable Mention to works based on the versions preserved by Arquivo.pt.

Applications are wellcome until 4 May: Arquivo.pt 2020 Award.

We believe that a travel to the past will raise ideas and topics for study from the preserved contents.

More time travel

To have a time travel for your organization, please contact us.

Online Cafe with Arquivo.pt

Café com o Arquivo.pt

Last updated on November 24th, 2020 at 05:18 pm

Wellcome to Arquivo.pt  Online Cafe!

Talk directly to the Arquivo.pt team and get answers to all your questions!

The Arquivo.pt team chats with you through online sessions.

Brief introductory presentations will be given, leaving time to ask all your questions about how to get more out of Arquivo.pt or how to apply to the Arquivo.pt Awards.

Sessions held in the 1st season

1st session, 27 March – Website Preservation: Do It Yourself!

The 1st session (in Portuguese) was about Website Preservation: Do It Yourself! and counted with the participation of Ricardo Basílio (Digital Curator of Arquivo.pt) and Daniel Gomes (Manager of Arquivo.pt).

2rd session, April 3 – meuParlamento.pt

The App meuParlamento.pt, was the winner of Arquivo.pt Award 2019. Nuno Moniz presented the relevance of this app to the citizen participation on politics. Arian Pasquali and Tomás Amaro, also authors of this work were presents. The session continued with questions related to the development of works from Arquivo.pt.

3th session, April 17 – Arquivo.pt Award and News on Arquivo.pt

After Easter break Arquivo.pt Online Café was back, presented by Daniel Gomes. This session was dedicated to clarify doubts for those who are finalizing their work to compete for the Arquivo.pt Award. Finally, the new interface of Arquivo.pt has been presented.

4th session, April 24 – Revisionista.PT – Uncovering the News

Flávio Martins and André Mourão, creators of the Revisionista.pt, talked about this tool that uses Arquivo.pt to show the reviews of a given new after its publication in newspapers.

5th session, April 30 – Public speeches about violence in private

Zélia Teixeira, Professor at Fernando Pessoa University and Psychologist, brought us an analysis of 217 news collected in Arquivo.pt from the three main daily newspapers, on domestic violence.

6th session, May 8 – Arquivo.pt API – How to process data at large scale?

André Mourão, Engineer I&D explained Arquivo.pt APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) through examples and cases, in the session held on 8 April. One doesn’t need to be an IT expert to see the the potencial of the API when used on research or new tools.

7th session, May 15 – Website Preservation: Do It Yourself!

Ricardo Basílio, Arquivo.pt’s web curator, presented a tutorial dedicated to Webrecorder and Browsertrix. This tools are usefull to capture websites locally in a small scale. From a demonstration of how it works, Arquivo.pt want to encourage the community. Anyone can make a selection of pages or websites and preserve them in a standardized format.

8th session, May 22 – The history of video games on the Portuguese web

Miguel Costa, Web developer and passionate about Web, tecnologies and videogames talked about the main figures of national business of videogames and about the first Portuguese videogame. In Arquivo.pt he founded archived files of videogames and a lot of information.

9th session, May 29 – Straight Edge in the metropolitan area of Lisbon

In the 9th session of the Café, we have got to know Straight Edge and its presence in the punk/hardcore medium of the metropolitan area of Lisbon in the 90s more closely. Diogo Duarte, anthropologist and researcher at the Contemporary History Institute of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, talkedabout his work dedicated to the theme and about the importance of Arquivo.pt to study this movement and other expressions of popular culture.

1oth session, June 5 – Health and Internet: an evolution

Health and Internet was the topic of the 10th session of Arquivo.pt Café, presented by Rita Espanha, professor and researcher at the ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon) and CIES (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology). The Internet has become the privileged medium where citizens seek information and build their own know in all areas of your life, including health. State agencies in turn have developed services that use the Internet. From the outside, part of the population remains that has not followed this change. The other part of the population that has easy access to information does not always have the critical sense to evaluate information and use it to their advantage. All of these issues became more evident during the Covid-19 pandemic period.

11th session, June 19 – Creating and managing preservable websites

The team of Arquivo.pt presented a set of good practises when publishing information though the Web, in order to its preservation.

12th session, June 26 – “Tell me Stories”, “Conta-me Histórias

“Tell me Stories”, “Conta-me Histórias” is a service that creates temporal narratives, based on the contents preserved by Arquivo.pt. This application was the winner of the Arquivo.pt Prize 2018. One of its authors, Ricardo Campos (IPT; INESC TEC), talked about the service developments. Arian Pasquali, member of the development team, also participated in the discussion.

13th session, July 3 – Arquivo de Opinião

Researchers on NLP (Natural Language Processing find in this session an excellent use case explained in detail by its author. Miguel Won, resercher at the INESC-ID (Lisbon), talked about the opinion sections of the media. How do commentators read events and how does this reflect their political position? Based on this question, he developed the Web application Arquivo de Opinion, awarded in 2018, which presents a history of the opinion columns of Portuguese newspapers, from the pages of Arquivo.pt. In this session we got to know the news of the project, which now also collects pages from social networks.

14th session, July 10 – Museum of Portuguese Web Design

Sandra Antunes, Professor at the School of Technology and Management of Viseu (ESTGV) spoke about virtual spaces for the memory of Portuguese Web design and showed the importance of a museum to fill gaps in the areas of preservation, exhibition and history of Portuguese Web design.

Sessions of the 2nd season

Arquivo.pt Award 2020 launched at Público Newspaper

Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:17 pm

The Arquivo.pt Award 2020 was officially launched on January 16th, at the Público Newspaper in Lisbon. Público is one of the most well-known newspapers in Portugal.

The event had talks by the Director of Público Newspaper Manuel Carvalho, the President of the Foundation for Science and Technology Helena Pereira and the manager of Arquivo.pt Daniel Gomes.

Participants of this open event were led into a guided visit to the newsroom. They saw a real scenario where contents of a newspaper are edited and produced.

Público’s website is daily crawled by the Arquivo.pt, which means an important contribution to the future access and use of contents.

In the 2020 edition of the Arquivo.pt Award, Público Newspaper will grant an Honorable Mention to works based on the newspaper’s content along its 20 years.

Find out how to apply, till 4th of May: arquivo.pt/award2020

Galeria de fotos

Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020

Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020
Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020 Lançamento do Prémio Arquivo.pt 2020

Photos by: Valter Gouveia, FCT

Applications open to the Arquivo.pt Award 2020!

Arquivo.pt Award 2020

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:18 pm

Applications are open to the Arquivo.pt Award 2020!

In this 3rd edition of the annual Arquivo.pt Award, € 15,000 will be awarded to the 3 best works (1st place: € 10,000).

The deadline for submissions is May 4, 2020.

Works may be developed individually or in group about any topic, as long as they use the information provided by Arquivo.pt as the main source of information.

The Público Newspaper is the official media partner of the Arquivo.pt Award in 2020. It was one of the first newspapers to become available online.

Jornal Público celebrates its 30th anniversary on March 5, 2020 and will award an Honorable Mention to one of the works which focused on the historical web-archive of Público online.

Full details about the applications are available at:

The Arquivo.pt Award promotes the visibility of the applicants and their institutions.

Help us to spread the word!

Meet the winners of the Arquivo.pt Award 2019!

Last updated on August 22nd, 2024 at 02:33 pm

The winners of the Arquivo.pt Award 2019 were announced by His Excellency the Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa during the session that took place on July 8 at 9:00 am in Auditorium 1 during the event Science 2019 – Encounter with Science and Technology at the Lisbon Congress Center.

23 applications were received.

Entregas do Prémio Arquivo.pt durante o Encontro Ciência 2019

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Photos by Valter Gouveia, FCT

1st place: meuParlamento.pt

MeuParlamento.pt is a mobile application that simulates the Portuguese Parliament, calling on all citizens to play the role of a deputy.

Authors: Nuno Moniz, Arian Pasquali, Tomás Amaro

2nd place: Revisionista.pt: Un-cover the news

The Revisionista.pt is an online tool to reveal post-publication changes in the Portuguese news.

Authors: Flávio Martins and André Mourão

3rd place: Public speeches about violence in private

Analysis of 217 news collected in Arquivo.pt from the three main daily newspapers, on domestic violence.

Author: Zélia de Macedo Teixeira

Materials for dissemination about the winners

About the Arquivo.pt Award 2019

Arquivo.pt is a research infrastructure managed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) that enables search and access to web pages archived since 1996.

The Arquivo.pt Award aims to annually promote innovative works based on historical information preserved by Arquivo.pt. Submissions closed on May 3 and we received works in areas such as: media studies, education, design, information technology, health or cultural and historical heritage.

The Arquivo.pt Award 2019 received the High Sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Arquivo.pt Award 2020

The Arquivo.pt Award was approved as an annual initiative of the Foundation for Science and Technology that will run from January to May.

Sign up for the Arquivo.pt international mailing list to be informed about future editions of the Arquivo.pt Award!

Know more

Arquivo.pt Awards 2019 launching event

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:19 pm

Arquivo.pt Award 2019 was officially launched during an event at the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic, in Lisbon, March 13th.

The President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), Manuel Heitor, and the vice-president of FCT, Helena Pereira attended the ceremony.

In his speech, Marcelo Rebelo highlighted the importance of initiatives like Arquivo.pt Awards, as well as the services offered by the portal.

Submit your work to Arquivo.pt Award 2019. The 3 best works will receive a total of 15,ooo euros in prizes

Arquivo.pt Award 2019 launching event

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Speech by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor

Presentation of the portal Arquivo.pt and the Arquivo.pt by Daniel Gomes, FCT

Speech by His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic

President of the Portuguese Republic launches Arquivo.pt Award 2019

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:19 pm

Arquivo.pt is honoured to announce that the launching event of the Arquivo.pt Award 2019 will take place at the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic, in Lisbon, on March 13th, at 3:30 pm.

The President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), Manuel Heitor, and the FCT vice-president, Helena Pereira will attend the ceremony.

The event is open to all interested parties but limited to the facility capacity.

See the complete schedule below:

  • 3:30 pm – Reception
  • 4 pm – Opening (MPR)
  • 4:05 pm – Speech by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor
  • 4:15 pm – Presentation of the portal Arquivo.pt and the Arquivo.pt by Daniel Gomes, FCT
  • 4:30 pm – Address by His Excellency the President of the Republic and inauguration of “Time travel with the Presidents of the Republic” exhibit.
  • 4:45 pm – Cocktail and guided tours of the Museum and the Arquivo.pt exhibition
  • 5:30 p.m. – Closing

For more information: 213 614 660 or museu@presidencia.pt

Submit your work to Arquivo.pt Award 2019. The 3 best works will receive a total of 15,ooo euros in prizes

Arquivo.pt 2019 Award: Submissions are open!

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:19 pm

Submissions for Arquivo.pt Award 2019 are officially open! The deadline is May 3, at 1 pm (Lisbon time).

The three best works will receive a total of 15 000 euros.

Individual or group works on any subject are accepted. The only requirement is that they use Arquivo.pt as their main source of information.

Here’s how to apply: arquivo.pt/award2019

Good luck!

Arquivo.pt Award will be back in 2019!

Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 01:00 pm

Arquivo.pt will distinguish again in 2019, works that make use of web information from the past in a useful and innovative way.

There will be 15 000 € in prizes:

  • 1º place: 10 000 €
  • 2º place: 3 000 €
  • 3º place: 2 000 €

Proposals can be presented by individuals or groups. The winners will be those that best promote the usage of preserved web information and the services provided by Arquivo.pt.

The contest will follow the same format as in the previous edition and will be open to everyone regardless of their area of study or activity.

The definite rules and application dates will be announced shortly. Applications will be open in early 2019.

First edition winners  (Arquivo.pt Award 2018)

The first edition, in 2018, awarded 3 proposals. The 1st prize went to the team led by Ricardo Campos, INESC TEC researcher and professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT) with the project Conta-me Histórias, a platform which automatically generates temporal narratives from online news about topics submitted by its users.

For Ricardo Campos the award was:

“An important boost for the project, and thanks to this award, other research works or even commercial applications may be come up.”


Study on “homosexuality” based on past news

Last updated on August 9th, 2024 at 04:30 pm

Framing the concept of “homosexuality” in 20 years of publication of the Expresso newspaper

by João Teixeira Duarte and Zélia Teixeira, winners of the second prize of the Arquivo.pt Awards 2018.

This work values the social changes in the Portuguese and international reality when it comes to the visibility of LGBT-related social issues, and explores the role of social communication in promoting the visibility of these issues, along with its influence in keeping them in the social agenda.

20 years of the Expresso news site under review

To achieve this, 20 years of publication history of the Expresso newspaper published online (from 1997 to 2017) — mainly accessed through the Arquivo.pt web archive tool — were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In quantitative terms, through grounded analysis the following categories emerged: Legislative-political (81 pieces), Social (37), Discrimination and aggression (23), Arts and culture (18), Popular (12), Religious (15), Opinion (19), Link between homosexuality and pedophilia (5).

In qualitative terms, a trend to normalise homossexual individuals, relationships and related issues (such as same sex marriage and adoption) was observed.

In parallel, a tendency to progressively represent the LGBT population’s negative experiences for emotional resonance was also found.

In general, this archive encapsulated a glimpse of the evolution of this social phenomenon in the Portuguese society, in tandem and sometimes in contrast with the international realities that framed it.

More Info (in Portuguese)