preserves websites of national scientific projects


Last updated on October 1st, 2021 at 09:11 am

Preserving scientific project websites is important

The contents of the websites tend to disappear when the scientific projects are finished.

The preservation of scientific project websites is important because:

  • documents the development of projects;
  • ensures access to unique technical and scientific content that researchers have posted on the project websites (eg presentations, photographs, data sets);
  • reinforces the visibility of the results of projects financed by FCT.

Experimental collection of scientific projects websites in 2016 automatically collected websites for projects financed by FCT in 2016.

The information about these websites was dispersed as it was not recorded during the administrative process.

For about 20 years, FCT financed scientific projects, so the number of sites could be too high to be identified manually.

Then an automatic methodology for identifying these websites was developed, developed by

The FCT database had a total of 11,996 project entries but did not include references to web addresses. Applying the automatic methodology, 7 956 URLs related to the funded scientific projects were identified.

The collection of content referenced by these addresses resulted in the preservation of 600 721 files (72 GB), including content such as research group web pages, researchers’ personal pages or project-related blogs.

Online references in scientific project reports have been preserved since 2020

From June 2020, the website addresses of the projects financed by FCT must be registered in the progress and final reports funded by FCT. started using these addresses to preserve the contents of websites of national scientific projects in a systematic way.

1st official collection of scientific project websites

In June 2020, obtained 263 addresses related to 100 scientific projects from the reports submitted to FCT. Most of the addresses (67%) did not have any version previously preserved in

The addresses obtained point to online resources such as the websites of the projects, R&D units, news in the media, articles in scientific journals or repositories, databases, videos on Youtube or Facebook pages.

In July 2020, a special collection was launched from this set of addresses which resulted in 6.9 GB of information obtained from the visit to 31,606 URLs.

Exhibition about Research & Development projects

The Scientific Research Memory is an online exhibition dedicated to the websites of scientific projects funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) that has preserved.

There are also websites of the Research & Development Units financed by FCT.

Memorial do preserves scientific websites for free

The Memorial do service has preserved historic FCT websites that have been disabled. These were created for events or initiatives that have ended and therefore their contents are no longer updated.

To include a website in the Memorial, starts by making a high quality collection of its contents.

Then, the collected contents are validated in collaboration with those responsible for the website.

Finally, the website address is redirected to the contents that have been preserved by

For example, if someone wants to access any page on the Scientific Archives Meeting held in 2014, they will be redirected to

Thus, the contents remain accessible over time and the links, the references in scientific communications that may exist do not break.

The digital preservation service Memorial do is free of charge for websites of the academic and scientific community, just send a request to

To know more

Online archives or archives of the online?


At the end of 2020, we recommend some texts that put the future in perspective.

We highlight the theme of preserving online content presented in the ebook “Tendências 2021” (Trends 2021). The contribution of Daniel Gomes, the manager, was entitled “Arquivos online ou do online?” (Online archives or archives of the online?).

I was invited to write about the challenges and threats to online archives. The first question that came to me was what is meant by an “online archive”?

My concern lies in the “archives of the online” because there is not even an established awareness about their need, whether at an academic, governmental or individual level.

It is technologically impossible to preserve all information available online. But it is absurd not to be aware that we have to preserve some of the information online for short, medium and long term access.

The complete text (in Portuguese) is available at pages 23 to 26 of the open-access book “Tendências 2021”.

The challenge is to cultivate awareness about the importance of preserving content online by learning how to do it in practice.

Happy New Year!

World Digital Preservation Day 2020


Last updated on November 23rd, 2020 at 06:20 pm


On November 5, World Digital Preservation Day, held an online session open to the community.

Registration form (free but required)

The speaker for this session was the winner of the 2020 Award, Miguel Ramalho, who presented his work. “Desarquivo” is a web aplication that searches for entities on and return a graph.

As in 2017, 2018 e 2019, we invited everyone to get to know, and to use it in research and in the preservation of memory.

World Digital Preservation Day is promoted by the Digital Preservation Coalitium (UK) and an occasion for initiatives around the world, shared on social networks with the WDPD2020 hashtag.


November 5th

3:00 pm – Welcome! Presentation of the team (slides, 1 MB, PDF)
3:05 pm – Archive News – Daniel Gomes (slides, 2.6 MB, PDF)
3:15 pm – Desarquivo, 1st place in the Awards 2020, by Miguel Ramalho (slides, 3 MB, PDF)
3:45 pm – Questions
4:00 pm – Conclusion

Session video

Satisfaction query

Search the Geocities history!

thumbnail research_geocities

Last updated on September 23rd, 2021 at 03:30 pm was the first major “social network” which enabled anyone to create their website and publish information on the Web. It was created in 1994, acquired by Yahoo in 1999 and shut down in 2009.

Initiatives have been emerging to preserve the content of Geocities, such as the Archive Team project which gathered 641 GB of information in 2009oOCities or also integrated Geocities history in its collections!

Now, anyone can explore Geocities through the innovative tools provided by (e.g. full-text search, image search or API).

By making the historical collection of Geocities available, intends to contribute to the development of innovative studies in areas such as Arts, Humanities or Sociology (see a project summary).

Search Geocities now at:

Examples of Geocities preserved websites

Video Enhancing access to research the Geocities historical collection

Enhancing access to research the Geocities historical collection, Pedro Gomes, RESAW 2021 (slides)


Cross-lingual collection about the 2019 European Elections is available


Last updated on August 30th, 2022 at 10:46 am

Print European Elections 2019
Print from an archived page on

The special collection of web pages about the 2019 European Elections is available for search at

To compile this collection, pages written in 24 European languages ​​were identified through automatic searches on the Bing search engine and suggestions from 17 European countries.

We emphasize the collaboration of the Publications Office of the European Union, which reviewed the list of search terms in the different languages ​​of the European Union.

Between May and July 2019, exhaustively collected pages related to the European Elections in several countries.

The resulting collection named “European Elections 2019” comprises 99 million web files that sum 4.8 Terabytes of information.

The technical report “A transnational crawl of the European Parliamentary Elections 2019 ” details the applied methodology. This methodology has been applied to generate other thematic collections such as about Covid-19.

We invited all citizens, especially the researchers, to try this service especially created to search the 2019 European Elections cross-lingual and international collection:

Video “A transnational and cross-lingual crawl of the European Parliamentary Elections 2019”

A transnational and cross-lingual crawl of the European Parliamentary Elections 2019, Ivo Branco, IIPC Web Archiving Conference and RESAW 2021 (slides)

To know more:

Search 17 million images from the past with!

Image viewer Arnold

At the end of 2018, launched an experimental image search service from the past, which it was possible to search around 4 million images from the past, coming from some collections of

From April 2019, it became possible to search for images from all the collections of

aArnold Schwarzenegger image search

You can now search over 17 million unique images (over 50 pixels in width and height) since 1996.

Find pages from the past through the new image search service.

Try the “Visit Page” option to find the Web page from the past that contained the image you selected.

Image viewer Arnold

Try the image search service now!

Search images from the past with at 2019 Award: Submissions are open!

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:19 pm

Submissions for Award 2019 are officially open! The deadline is May 3, at 1 pm (Lisbon time).

The three best works will receive a total of 15 000 euros.

Individual or group works on any subject are accepted. The only requirement is that they use as their main source of information.

Here’s how to apply:

Good luck!

EXPO’98: Twenty years by

Last updated on July 15th, 2022 at 01:23 pm

With the theme “ “Os Oceanos, Um Património para o Futuro” (Oceans, a Heritage for the Future“), EXPO’98 took place in Lisbon, 1998.

Considered a turning point for Lisbon and Portugal, from May 2 to September 30, 1998, the event attracted around 11 million visitors.  EXPO’98 also had as its purpose to highlight the 500 years of the Portuguese Discoveries.

The importance of EXPO’98 did not stop there:

  • It was a strategic project for the country and culminated with the regeneration of an area of about 340 hectares in the eastern part of the city, next to the Tagus River.
  • Attended by 146 countries and 14 international organizations.

EXPO’98 website preserved by

However, as in the digital world, much of the information disappears after a short time, only with you can even browse EXPO’98 page, serving as a historical and research base about the event.

A moment that keeps for the memory of those days not be lost and for future research about their impact on the lives of all Portuguese.

Travel through EXPO’98 with!

Examples of EXPO’98 pages preserved by Prizes 2018: Call for submissions!

Last updated on August 4th, 2024 at 05:54 pm

Applications for the Prizes 2018 are open until May 4.

The 1st prize is 10 000 EURO, individual or group applications can be submitted about any theme. The only requirement is to use as the main source of information.

To apply, you will need to submit a text and a short video describing the work done. The use of the Portuguese language is mandatory.

Know more at:

Spread the word about it among potential candidates! Award 2018 was announced

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:20 pm

During the Event, the release of the Prize 2018 was announced.

The purpose of the first edition of this Prize is to foster innovative research or application of resources preserved from the Web, through the research and access services publicly made available by

The applications must clearly demonstrate the usefulness and unique nature of for the proposed work and the impact of the work in the society or community for which it is intended.

Who can apply?

The award is primarily targeted at members of the national academic and scientific community.

Prize values

  • First place: € 10 000
  • Second place: € 3 000
  • Third place: € 2 000

Application deadline

  • 4th May 2018

To find out about news about the Prize, we suggest subscribing to our mailing list (in Portuguese) or periodically check the informative site about

How to apply?

The applicants will have to present their work through a text and a short video (in Portuguese). The detailed Regulation is in preparation.

Useful references for the development of the applications

To know more