Online Cafe with

Café com o

Last updated on November 24th, 2020 at 05:18 pm

Wellcome to  Online Cafe!

Talk directly to the team and get answers to all your questions!

The team chats with you through online sessions.

Brief introductory presentations will be given, leaving time to ask all your questions about how to get more out of or how to apply to the Awards.

Sessions held in the 1st season

1st session, 27 March – Website Preservation: Do It Yourself!

The 1st session (in Portuguese) was about Website Preservation: Do It Yourself! and counted with the participation of Ricardo Basílio (Digital Curator of and Daniel Gomes (Manager of

2rd session, April 3 –

The App, was the winner of Award 2019. Nuno Moniz presented the relevance of this app to the citizen participation on politics. Arian Pasquali and Tomás Amaro, also authors of this work were presents. The session continued with questions related to the development of works from

3th session, April 17 – Award and News on

After Easter break Online Café was back, presented by Daniel Gomes. This session was dedicated to clarify doubts for those who are finalizing their work to compete for the Award. Finally, the new interface of has been presented.

4th session, April 24 – Revisionista.PT – Uncovering the News

Flávio Martins and André Mourão, creators of the, talked about this tool that uses to show the reviews of a given new after its publication in newspapers.

5th session, April 30 – Public speeches about violence in private

Zélia Teixeira, Professor at Fernando Pessoa University and Psychologist, brought us an analysis of 217 news collected in from the three main daily newspapers, on domestic violence.

6th session, May 8 – API – How to process data at large scale?

André Mourão, Engineer I&D explained APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) through examples and cases, in the session held on 8 April. One doesn’t need to be an IT expert to see the the potencial of the API when used on research or new tools.

7th session, May 15 – Website Preservation: Do It Yourself!

Ricardo Basílio,’s web curator, presented a tutorial dedicated to Webrecorder and Browsertrix. This tools are usefull to capture websites locally in a small scale. From a demonstration of how it works, want to encourage the community. Anyone can make a selection of pages or websites and preserve them in a standardized format.

8th session, May 22 – The history of video games on the Portuguese web

Miguel Costa, Web developer and passionate about Web, tecnologies and videogames talked about the main figures of national business of videogames and about the first Portuguese videogame. In he founded archived files of videogames and a lot of information.

9th session, May 29 – Straight Edge in the metropolitan area of Lisbon

In the 9th session of the Café, we have got to know Straight Edge and its presence in the punk/hardcore medium of the metropolitan area of Lisbon in the 90s more closely. Diogo Duarte, anthropologist and researcher at the Contemporary History Institute of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, talkedabout his work dedicated to the theme and about the importance of to study this movement and other expressions of popular culture.

1oth session, June 5 – Health and Internet: an evolution

Health and Internet was the topic of the 10th session of Café, presented by Rita Espanha, professor and researcher at the ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon) and CIES (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology). The Internet has become the privileged medium where citizens seek information and build their own know in all areas of your life, including health. State agencies in turn have developed services that use the Internet. From the outside, part of the population remains that has not followed this change. The other part of the population that has easy access to information does not always have the critical sense to evaluate information and use it to their advantage. All of these issues became more evident during the Covid-19 pandemic period.

11th session, June 19 – Creating and managing preservable websites

The team of presented a set of good practises when publishing information though the Web, in order to its preservation.

12th session, June 26 – “Tell me Stories”, “Conta-me Histórias

“Tell me Stories”, “Conta-me Histórias” is a service that creates temporal narratives, based on the contents preserved by This application was the winner of the Prize 2018. One of its authors, Ricardo Campos (IPT; INESC TEC), talked about the service developments. Arian Pasquali, member of the development team, also participated in the discussion.

13th session, July 3 – Arquivo de Opinião

Researchers on NLP (Natural Language Processing find in this session an excellent use case explained in detail by its author. Miguel Won, resercher at the INESC-ID (Lisbon), talked about the opinion sections of the media. How do commentators read events and how does this reflect their political position? Based on this question, he developed the Web application Arquivo de Opinion, awarded in 2018, which presents a history of the opinion columns of Portuguese newspapers, from the pages of In this session we got to know the news of the project, which now also collects pages from social networks.

14th session, July 10 – Museum of Portuguese Web Design

Sandra Antunes, Professor at the School of Technology and Management of Viseu (ESTGV) spoke about virtual spaces for the memory of Portuguese Web design and showed the importance of a museum to fill gaps in the areas of preservation, exhibition and history of Portuguese Web design.

Sessions of the 2nd season

Search 17 million images from the past with!

Image viewer Arnold

At the end of 2018, launched an experimental image search service from the past, which it was possible to search around 4 million images from the past, coming from some collections of

From April 2019, it became possible to search for images from all the collections of

aArnold Schwarzenegger image search

You can now search over 17 million unique images (over 50 pixels in width and height) since 1996.

Find pages from the past through the new image search service.

Try the “Visit Page” option to find the Web page from the past that contained the image you selected.

Image viewer Arnold

Try the image search service now!

Search images from the past with at training in Azores islands

Daniel Gomes in Azores islands

Last updated on July 15th, 2022 at 12:56 pm

Memorial (hight quality preservation) and image search were highlighted as new developments in during Jornadas de Computação Científica 2019, held from 6 to 8 at the University of Azores in Ponta Delgada.

On the first day of this annual event, developed a training session in 4 parts:

  • Memory of the web: a forgoten heritage?, by Daniel Gomes (in portuguese);
  • Curation of institutional websites, by Ricardo Basílio (in portuguese);
  • Automatic access and processing of preserved Web data (APIs), by Fernando Melo (in portuguese);
  • Recommendations for web publication of preservable information, by Daniel Bicho (in portuguese).

Participants learned about the web preservation service offered to the community by the that for the purpose of researching and safeguarding the digital heritage, and how they can help preserve the Web.

In addition to the Jornadas 2019, the team also made two presentations in class context. The first was to students of the Informatics – Networks and Multimedia course at the University of Azores, and the second at the Escola Secundária das Laranjeiras (high school) in Ponta Delgada.

To schedule a training session with, contact us.

Jornadas 2019

Daniel Gomes in Azores islands
Universidade dos Açores
Jornadas 2019
Jornadas 2019 Melo
Jornadas 2019 Daniel Bicho
Aula Universidade dos Açores
Açores Escola das Laranjeiras
Daniel Gomes in Azores islands Universidade dos Açores Jornadas 2019 Jornadas 2019 Melo Jornadas 2019 Daniel Bicho Açores Aula Universidade dos Açores Açores Escola das Laranjeiras


Students from Coimbra visit

On April 11, headquarters at LNEC welcomed 30 students enrolled in the course of Information Sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra.
On the occasion, students had the opportunity to take part in a technical visit, and a training session on digital preservation and on the services offered by
Bring your institution. Contact us on


Visita ao centro de dados para conhecer a infraestrutura que suporta o


Visita guiada ao, que funciona no Campus do LNEC


Sessão acerca do no pequeno auditório do LNEC


Sessão acerca do no pequeno auditório do LNEC


Sessão acerca do no pequeno auditório do LNEC


Daniel Gomes, gestor do Arquivo, acompanha a visita ao centro de dados para conhecer a infraestrutura que suporta o


Daniel Gomes, gestor do Arquivo acompanha a visita ao centro de dados para conhecer a infraestrutura que suporta o

IMG_1116 IMG_1077 IMG_1083 IMG_1081 IMG_1085 IMG_1100 IMG_1095 Exhibition in FCT – Caparica

Last updated on March 29th, 2019 at 01:37 pm

Next Thursday, 28th March, is the last day to visit Exhibition in FCT – Library, in Caparica.

The exhibition is open to the public all day long, from 9 am to 8 pm and shows six iconic pages from Portugal’s recent history such as the result of the 1996 Presidential Elections in Portugal, the Expo’98 page, or the first home page of the RTP television network, published in 1998.

FCT – Library is located at Caparica Campus. For further information call 212 94 78 29.

This exhibition is itinerant, so if you are interested in bringing it to your city or institution, please contact


Expo FCT – Caparica

expo_NOVA-FCT_20190314_2 expo_NOVA-FCT_20190314_1 bty IMG-0621 expo_NOVA-FCT_20190314_3 bty IMG-0623 740FD37E-DDEB-4744-ADDF-361EE83ACEE9 IMG-0625

Tutorial and Workshop in Porto, September

Sessão de trabalho do grupo Investiga XXI

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:59 pm

Would you like to know more about web archives?

Then, do not miss the RESAW@Porto2018 workshop and the tutorial Using web archive tools to preserve and research the Past Web.

Workshop RESAW@Porto2018

The RESAW@Porto2018 workshop is aimed at everyone who wish to explore web archives to search for information about the past. The detailed program is already available.

This workshop will be held on September 13, 2018 (9:00-18:30) in Porto (FEUP), Portugal, as part of the TPDL 2018 international conference.

Price and registration

The registration fee is 120 EURO or 90 EURO for students. Lunch is included.

In the registration form, you must:

  1.  send the following comment: “Special authorization for a reduced fee to the Web Archive workshop – An introduction to web archives for Humanities and Social Science research”;
  2. choose option payment by “bank transfer”.

Then, you will receive the details to perform the payment.

You may register only for the workshop. Registration for the remaining conference is optional.

Tutorial “Research the Past Web using Web archives”

The tutorial Research the Past Web using Web archives is suitable for researchers, computer scientists, information professionals and webmasters, who wish to gain new insights about preserving information published online.

This tutorial will be held on September 10, 2018 (9:00-12:30) in Porto (FEUP), Portugal, as part of the TPDL 2018 conference.

Price and registration

The registration on the tutorial is free but the registration in the remaining conference is mandatory.

Spread the word!

Help us disseminating these events among potential participants. Prizes 2018: Call for submissions!

Last updated on August 4th, 2024 at 05:54 pm

Applications for the Prizes 2018 are open until May 4.

The 1st prize is 10 000 EURO, individual or group applications can be submitted about any theme. The only requirement is to use as the main source of information.

To apply, you will need to submit a text and a short video describing the work done. The use of the Portuguese language is mandatory.

Know more at:

Spread the word about it among potential candidates!

How to improve an online service (video)?

Improving the robustness of the web archive (video thumbnail)

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 05:04 pm recommendations to improve the quality of online services

This presentation provides an overview of the architecture and functioning of the system that supports the web archive.

It shares the main lessons learned from the experience of developing and maintaining this service for 10 years.

We believe that these recommendations can be useful to improve the quality of any web-based information system.

Share it with your IT department!