Exhibition in FCT – Caparica

Last updated on March 29th, 2019 at 01:37 pm

Next Thursday, 28th March, is the last day to visit Exhibition in FCT – Library, in Caparica.

The exhibition is open to the public all day long, from 9 am to 8 pm and shows six iconic pages from Portugal’s recent history such as the result of the 1996 Presidential Elections in Portugal, the Expo’98 page, or the first home page of the RTP television network, published in 1998.

FCT – Library is located at Caparica Campus. For further information call 212 94 78 29.

This exhibition is itinerant, so if you are interested in bringing it to your city or institution, please contact


Expo FCT – Caparica

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Tutorial and Workshop in Porto, September

Sessão de trabalho do grupo Investiga XXI

Last updated on August 7th, 2018 at 10:32 am

Would you like to know more about web archives?

Then, do not miss the RESAW@Porto2018 workshop and the tutorial Using web archive tools to preserve and research the Past Web.

Workshop RESAW@Porto2018

The RESAW@Porto2018 workshop is aimed at everyone who wish to explore web archives to search for information about the past. The detailed program is already available.

This workshop will be held on September 13, 2018 (9:00-18:30) in Porto (FEUP), Portugal, as part of the TPDL 2018 international conference.

Price and registration

The registration fee is 120 EURO or 90 EURO for students. Lunch is included.

In the registration form, you must:

  1.  send the following comment: “Special authorization for a reduced fee to the Web Archive workshop – An introduction to web archives for Humanities and Social Science research”;
  2. choose option payment by “bank transfer”.

Then, you will receive the details to perform the payment.

You may register only for the workshop. Registration for the remaining conference is optional.

Tutorial “Research the Past Web using Web archives”

The tutorial Research the Past Web using Web archives is suitable for researchers, computer scientists, information professionals and webmasters, who wish to gain new insights about preserving information published online.

This tutorial will be held on September 10, 2018 (9:00-12:30) in Porto (FEUP), Portugal, as part of the TPDL 2018 conference.

Price and registration

The registration on the tutorial is free but the registration in the remaining conference is mandatory.

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Help us disseminating these events among potential participants. Prizes 2018: Call for submissions!

Last updated on October 26th, 2018 at 11:37 am

Applications for the Prizes 2018 are open until May 4.

The 1st prize is 10 000 EURO, individual or group applications can be submitted about any theme. The only requirement is to use as the main source of information.

To apply, you will need to submit a text and a short video describing the work done. The use of the Portuguese language is mandatory.

Know more at:

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How to improve an online service (video)?

Improving the robustness of the web archive (video thumbnail)

Last updated on April 3rd, 2019 at 11:59 am recommendations to improve the quality of online services

This presentation provides an overview of the architecture and functioning of the system that supports the web archive.

It shares the main lessons learned from the experience of developing and maintaining this service for 10 years.

We believe that these recommendations can be useful to improve the quality of any web-based information system.

Share it with your IT department!