Webinar Web Archiving in academic libraries

Preservation- workflow

Last updated on July 15th, 2022 at 01:29 pm

Web archiving process

“Curation of preserved websites – how it works” was the subject of the webinar promoted by  Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas (APBAD, Lisbon), the Portuguese association of librarians, past October 9, and presented by Ricardo Basílio, librarian and digital curator at Arquivo.pt.

Gathering the online memory of the Universities

The hands-on presentation showed how anyone, even a non-TI expert, can adequately capture, store and replay a website or a social page of an institutional website. Basílio also gave specific examples on how to gather and share collections of institutional contents previously published on the Web: a list, an exhibition, a recovery of a past content to be published on Twitter or Facebook, etc.

A librarian can be a curator of websites

Human and qualitative evaluation is the focus of the digital curator, even when we use such a proficient tool like Webrecorder. The most important point is to enable librarians to practice micro-archiving and create local collections.

Video (40 minutes, in Portuguese)
Presentation (PDF, in Portuguese)