Webinar Web Archiving in academic libraries

Preservation- workflow

Last updated on July 15th, 2022 at 01:29 pm

Web archiving process

“Curation of preserved websites – how it works” was the subject of the webinar promoted by  Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas (APBAD, Lisbon), the Portuguese association of librarians, past October 9, and presented by Ricardo Basílio, librarian and digital curator at Arquivo.pt.

Gathering the online memory of the Universities

The hands-on presentation showed how anyone, even a non-TI expert, can adequately capture, store and replay a website or a social page of an institutional website. Basílio also gave specific examples on how to gather and share collections of institutional contents previously published on the Web: a list, an exhibition, a recovery of a past content to be published on Twitter or Facebook, etc.

A librarian can be a curator of websites

Human and qualitative evaluation is the focus of the digital curator, even when we use such a proficient tool like Webrecorder. The most important point is to enable librarians to practice micro-archiving and create local collections.

Video (40 minutes, in Portuguese)
Presentation (PDF, in Portuguese)

Arquivo.pt Award will be back in 2019!

Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 01:00 pm

Arquivo.pt will distinguish again in 2019, works that make use of web information from the past in a useful and innovative way.

There will be 15 000 € in prizes:

  • 1º place: 10 000 €
  • 2º place: 3 000 €
  • 3º place: 2 000 €

Proposals can be presented by individuals or groups. The winners will be those that best promote the usage of preserved web information and the services provided by Arquivo.pt.

The contest will follow the same format as in the previous edition and will be open to everyone regardless of their area of study or activity.

The definite rules and application dates will be announced shortly. Applications will be open in early 2019.

First edition winners  (Arquivo.pt Award 2018)

The first edition, in 2018, awarded 3 proposals. The 1st prize went to the team led by Ricardo Campos, INESC TEC researcher and professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT) with the project Conta-me Histórias, a platform which automatically generates temporal narratives from online news about topics submitted by its users.

For Ricardo Campos the award was:

“An important boost for the project, and thanks to this award, other research works or even commercial applications may be come up.”


Study on “homosexuality” based on past news

Last updated on August 9th, 2024 at 04:30 pm

Framing the concept of “homosexuality” in 20 years of publication of the Expresso newspaper

by João Teixeira Duarte and Zélia Teixeira, winners of the second prize of the Arquivo.pt Awards 2018.

This work values the social changes in the Portuguese and international reality when it comes to the visibility of LGBT-related social issues, and explores the role of social communication in promoting the visibility of these issues, along with its influence in keeping them in the social agenda.

20 years of the Expresso news site under review

To achieve this, 20 years of publication history of the Expresso newspaper published online (from 1997 to 2017) — mainly accessed through the Arquivo.pt web archive tool — were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In quantitative terms, through grounded analysis the following categories emerged: Legislative-political (81 pieces), Social (37), Discrimination and aggression (23), Arts and culture (18), Popular (12), Religious (15), Opinion (19), Link between homosexuality and pedophilia (5).

In qualitative terms, a trend to normalise homossexual individuals, relationships and related issues (such as same sex marriage and adoption) was observed.

In parallel, a tendency to progressively represent the LGBT population’s negative experiences for emotional resonance was also found.

In general, this archive encapsulated a glimpse of the evolution of this social phenomenon in the Portuguese society, in tandem and sometimes in contrast with the international realities that framed it.

More Info (in Portuguese)

Tutorial on using web archives for research

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:58 pm

Gathering professionals from all around the world, the 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2018, took place from September 10th to 13th at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

Alongside, two events also discussed web archives and the preservation of the web.

Tutorial on using web archives for research

On its first day, TPDL 2018 held the Research the Past Web using Web archives tutorial, in which researchers, computer scientists, information professionals, and webmasters discussed new ways and tools to preserve online published information.

The Tutorial presented ways to create and explore web archives as well as methods and technologies to develop web applications that automatically access and process information preserved in web archives, such as Wayback Machine, Memento Time Travel protocol or the Arquivo.pt API.

The average satisfaction with the tutorial was 4 out of 5, and 80% of the participants would recommend it to their colleagues. See all the results from the evaluation questionnaire.


Workshop RESAW@Porto2018

On Thursday, the Workshop RESAW@Porto2018 took place at TPDL 2018 and was organized by Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study) and Daniel Gomes (Arquivo.pt).

The event aimed at researchers who work exploring web archives to search for information about the past. There were 24 participants from 11 distinct countries.

Speakers from five countries presented a range of different approaches, from small-scale analyses of individual websites to large-scale investigations of entire domains, and innovative combinations of quantitative and qualitative research methods.

The third RESAW Conference will take place in Amsterdam, 19-21 June 2019. The call for papers is open.

Presentations and abstracts

  • Conta-me histórias – Temporal summarization and the Portuguese web archive, by Ricardo Campos, Arian Pasquali, Vítor Mangaravite, Alípio Jorge, Adam Jatowt – presentationabstract
  • The Archived Web for Research in the humanities and social sciences, by Jane Winters – presentation
  • The ‘Arquivo de Opinião’ archive, by Miguel Won – presentation, abstract
  • The Memento Infrastructure, by Martin Klein, Herbert Van de Sompel – presentation, abstract
  • Web Archive Research and the role of (digital) academic libraries, by Thomas Risse- presentation, abstract


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Tutorial and Workshop in Porto, September

Sessão de trabalho do grupo Investiga XXI

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:59 pm

Would you like to know more about web archives?

Then, do not miss the RESAW@Porto2018 workshop and the tutorial Using web archive tools to preserve and research the Past Web.

Workshop RESAW@Porto2018

The RESAW@Porto2018 workshop is aimed at everyone who wish to explore web archives to search for information about the past. The detailed program is already available.

This workshop will be held on September 13, 2018 (9:00-18:30) in Porto (FEUP), Portugal, as part of the TPDL 2018 international conference.

Price and registration

The registration fee is 120 EURO or 90 EURO for students. Lunch is included.

In the registration form, you must:

  1.  send the following comment: “Special authorization for a reduced fee to the Web Archive workshop – An introduction to web archives for Humanities and Social Science research”;
  2. choose option payment by “bank transfer”.

Then, you will receive the details to perform the payment.

You may register only for the workshop. Registration for the remaining conference is optional.

Tutorial “Research the Past Web using Web archives”

The tutorial Research the Past Web using Web archives is suitable for researchers, computer scientists, information professionals and webmasters, who wish to gain new insights about preserving information published online.

This tutorial will be held on September 10, 2018 (9:00-12:30) in Porto (FEUP), Portugal, as part of the TPDL 2018 conference.

Price and registration

The registration on the tutorial is free but the registration in the remaining conference is mandatory.

Spread the word!

Help us disseminating these events among potential participants.

Arquivo.pt 2018 Awards Presentation

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:20 pm

Arquivo.pt 2018 Award was presented  to the winners, by the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation , Carlos Moedas, on July 3 at  Ciência 2018 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia at the Lisbon Congress Centre

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Arquivo.pt 2018 Award Winners

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:20 pm

Arquivo.pt 2018 Award was presented  to the winners by the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation , Carlos Moedas,on July 3 at  Ciência 2018 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia at the Lisbon Congress Centre.

27 applications were received.

First prize – “Conta-me Histórias” (Tell me Stories)

“Conta-me Histórias” won first prize and 10 000 euros. This is a team effort from Ricardo Campos, Arian Pasquali, Vítor Mangaravite, Alípio Jorge and Adam Jatowt.

Conta-me Histórias is an online service that provides a temporal narrative about any subject using  24 electronic news platforms.

Second Prize – Framing the concept of “homosexuality” in 20 years of publication of the Expresso newspaper

The second prize of 3 000 euros was given to “Framing the concept of “homosexuality” in 20 years of publication of the Expresso newspaper” from João Teixeira Duarte and Zélia Teixeira.

This study intends to facilitate a reflection about homosexuality portrait in a Portuguese newspaper over 20 years.

Third Prize – “Arquivo de Opinião”

The third prize of 2 000 euros was given to “Arquivo de Opinião” from Miguel Won.

Arquivo de Opinião is a web application which offers the user a digital repository  of opinion articles published between 2008 and 2016, in the most prominent Portuguese media outlets.

About Arquivo.pt Award

Arquivo.pt Award intends to highlight every year, innovative and original projects showing Arquivo.pt utility as a research data infrastructure.

Press Releases

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Software Engineer Java/Linux needed at Arquivo.pt

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 05:01 pm

Arquivo.pt is looking for a Software Engineer Java/Linux to execute the following functions:

  • Maintenance and quality control of the service;
  • Development of large scale distributed computer systems;
  • Software maintenance and corrective evolution;
  • Interaction with the scientific community to establish collaborations.


  • Bachelor, master or PhD in computer science;
  • Experience with: Java J2EE, Java Server Pages, Java Beans, Python, Tomcat, Maven/Ant,  Linux  and Apache HTTPd servers;
  • Knowledge about architecture, development and operation of distributed computer systems;
  • Good level of English.


  • Source code repositories management (ex. Git);
  • Automatic tests platform management (ex. Jenkins, SeleniumHQ, SonarCube);
  • Participation in open source collaboration projects;
  • Internet production systems management experience;
  • Knowledge of Big Data/NoSQL (ex. Hadoop, HBase, Lucene, Solr);
  • Knowledge of Information Retrieval or Machine Learning;
  • Experience in web archive technologies (ex. Wayback Machine, Heritrix, NutchWAX);
  • Participation in Research & Development projects.


Arquivo.pt Award will be given at Ciência 2018

Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 01:03 pm

Arquivo.pt 2018 award will be given at  Ciência 2018 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia, wich will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of July, at the Lisbon Congress Centre.

The European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation , Carlos Moedas, will present the award at the plenary session “Novas fronteiras da era digital na Europa e no Mundo”, on July 3 at 17h30. The 1.º prize is 10 000 euros, the 2.º is 3 000 euros and the 3.º is 2 000 euros.

This was the Arquivo.pt award first edition. The competition ended on May 4 and 27 proposals from various fields such as: media, technology, computer science, tourism, cultural and historic patrimony, were received. This award recognises originality and innovation in Arquivo.pt’s applicability and the importance of web preservation.

Sites crawled in 2016 are now available through Arquivo.pt!

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 05:02 pm

The information collected from the Web during 2016 is now available at Arquivo.pt.

Remember events of 2016 such as the United  States Presidential Elections or UEFA Euro 2016.

Now you can access 964 million preserved files (58TB) from 2 million websites collected in 2016.

More examples of preserved pages