Event on the 8th November: Register now!

Last updated on December 20th, 2019 at 12:38 pm

On the 8th November we will hold the 1st Arquivo Event at the  Pavilion of Knowledge in Lisbon and we would like to invite you to celebrate with us 10 years of project start.

Keynote talks: why and how to preserve the Web?

Before lunch get to know in firsthand the Announcement of the 2018 Prize, which will aim to foster innovative research using resources preserved from the Web.

During the lunch, which we are pleased to offer, you can chat with the speakers and the team.

Workshops: research use cases and training

Research using

Get to know the research work already done in several areas using

Preservation and access to Web memory

Learn how to get the most out of the services and how to publish your information so that it can prevail for the future.

Register now!

Registration is free but the number of seats is limited.

The online world is wonderful but we would love to see you live too.
Come and celebrate with us!

Vacancy at the Advanced Services!

Last updated on October 1st, 2018 at 04:43 pm

FCT-FCCN’s Advanced Services Area, which includes and the Video Services, has opened a vacancy for complementary training in infrastructure and services for science management (scholarship grant).

The activities to be carried out will be related to the training and dissemination of advanced services for scientific research and higher education.

The deadline for submitting applications is October 27, 2017.

Please refer to the application details (in Portuguese).

Thank you for posting this vacancy by potential interested parties.

2017 Local Elections: We Need Your Help!

Last updated on August 24th, 2017 at 10:40 am

We have been emphasizing during our presentations that requires YOUR collaboration to preserve information published on the Web related to Elections.

Campaign websites are historically relevant. However, they are difficult to identify because they appear and disappear quickly. Moreover, they are often exclusively referenced through printed media (e.g. posters).

That’s why your collaboration is essential!

To help, simply add addresses of pages or sites related to the Municipal Elections of 2017 through the following link:

Suggesting only 1 address related to your location will make a valuable contribution.

Can you help?

If you have any questions, please contact us. improves advanced search launched a new version on June 23, 2017 called Venus, in which the Advanced Search operators were improved.

It stands out the improvement of the search operator site that allows to restrict searches to certain preserved sites. For example:

The reproduction of preserved pages containing error messages was also reduced.

Know More

We archived the Web pages of the Portuguese Parliamentary Elections of 2015!

Last updated on August 30th, 2022 at 10:55 am

The made 4 crawls of Web pages related with the Portuguese Parliamentary Elections of 2015.

We had appealed to the community contribution by suggesting Web pages related with the Parliamentary Elections of 2015 in order to archive it.

We made 4 crawls, during and after the election campaign period, using the list of 127 Web pages suggested by the community, archiving a total of 2 802 407 Web resources, that occupy 274 GB.

It were collected Web pages such as the ones from the running political parties, news in the media about the elections, blogs, opinion articles, and satirical political Web pages.

The respects an embargo period of 1 year, and for that reason the archived collection will only be avaliable by the end of 2016.

However you can consult now some archived Web pages from the previous Portuguese Parliamentary Elections such as:

We would like to thank all the volunteers that helped with this initiative.
Now we need your collaboration suggesting Web pages about the Portuguese Presidencial Elections.
Can we count on you?

Scientific study presents a search log analysis of a search engine

Last updated on December 20th, 2019 at 03:54 pm

This research presents a characterization of the information-seeking behaviour of the users of a Portuguese web search engine, based on the analysis of its logs.

The paper A Search Log Analysis of a Portuguese Web Search Engine, by Miguel Costa and Mário J. Silva, was presented at INForum 2010 – Simpósio de Informática, in Braga, Portugal.

Paper presented at EPIA 2009

Last updated on October 2nd, 2017 at 10:51 am

An Updated Portrait of the Portuguese Web presented at EPIA 2009

The paper An Updated Portrait of the Portuguese Web, by João Miranda and Daniel Gomes, was presented at the 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2009) in Aveiro.

This paper presents a characterization of the Portuguese Web derived from a crawl performed by the Portuguese Web Archive in March 2008, with 48 million documents in 2.5 TB of amount of data.

Session at ISCTE “ as an infrastructure for research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Last updated on September 28th, 2017 at 11:13 am

Session at ISCTE (Lisbon) “ as an infrastructure for research in Social Sciences and Humanities”

You missed it?

No problem. Here are all the presentations:

Portuguese Web Archive – a Memory Infrastructure @DLM2014

Last updated on December 20th, 2019 at 05:18 pm

Presentation about the service and the importance of web archiving to preserve the memory of Humanity.

Presentation on Thursday 17:15 (13 November) in Lisbon at DLM Forum – Making the Information Governance Landscape in Europe

The Forum will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico.

@dlmforum2014 #DLM2014

WWW 2013: Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive

Last updated on September 28th, 2017 at 01:29 pm

The Portuguese Web Archive (PWA) is at the World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with a demo session.

The demo at WWW 2013 presents the Portuguese Web Archive, which enables search over 1.6 billion files archived from 1996 to 2012.