
Arquivo.pt is finalist for the DPC Awards 2024

Last updated on July 16th, 2024 at 11:35 am

The Digital Preservation Coalition Awards

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is dedicated to promoting digital preservation and associated best practices.

The DPC Awards promote exemplary and innovative digital preservation use cases from all over the world.

The Arquivo.pt team submitted two applications to the DPC Awards 2024 in the categories of “Safeguarding the Digital Legacy” and “Research and Innovation”.

The Award for Safeguarding the Digital Legacy celebrates the practical application of preservation tools to protect at-risk digital objects.

The Award for Research and Innovation recognizes excellence in practical research and innovation activities.

Arquivo.pt applications to the DPC Awards

#1 Arquivo.pt catalog of tools for digital preservation

Information that rules modern-day lives is born-digital and disseminated online. However, invaluable digital objects published online have been continuously lost.

Arquivo.pt is a public infrastructure which supports the preservation of digital objects published online to safeguard this digital legacy for future generations.

Thus, in October 2023 after 15 years of research and development, Arquivo.pt released a Catalog of 13 innovative tools to support the preservation of at-risk online content, from acquisition to dissemination (e.g. search and access, APIs, training, open data sets, exhibitions).

Arquivo.pt safeguards online digital objects of worldwide interest for research and education.

The Arquivo.pt Catalog was selected asfinalist to the Safeguarding the Digital Legacy Award.

#2 Searching preserved web-images

Images published online are precious digital assets that document contemporary times for future generations.

This initiative describes the research and development of an innovative image search system that enables the discovery and access to billions of preserved images acquired from the web since the 1990s.

This research was applied to enhance the Arquivo.pt web archive with an image search service publicly available to any Internet user, officially launched in August 2022.

The resulting scientific and technical publications are available in open-access and the developed software is available as free open-source to be reused and enhanced by the community.

This work on searching images preserved in web archives applied for the Research and Innovation Award.

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