CitationSaver preserves citations to web resources

Last updated on April 20th, 2023 at 09:37 pm

Documents cite web content by referencing their URLs so that readers can later access them.

In the case of scientific articles, the importance of these citations is even greater to maintain the integrity of research works because they often reference essential information to enable the reproducibility of an experiment or analysis.

For example, links in a scientific article may cite the datasets, software or web news that supported the research, which are not included in the text of the article.

To respond to the need of preserving the integrity of documents, launched the CitationSaver.

CitationSaver automatically extracts cited links in a document and preserves their content (e.g. web pages cited in a book) so that they can be retrieved later from


Use CitationSaver to preserve the integrity of your documents

Upload a document and CitationSaver will extract the cited URLs, archive their content and make it available on after a short notice. There are 3 methods to upload a document:

  • insert the address (URL) of the PDF or TXT file, if it is published online
  • upload the file in PDF or TXT format
  • paste the text containing the addresses you want to preserve (e.g. References section of an article or Bibliography of a book).

More information

Book “The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives” available in Green Open access!


Last updated on September 23rd, 2024 at 03:09 pm

Since 2006, a book has not been published that reflects the state-of-the-art in the area of ​​web preservation and the research that has been conducted on web archives.

The main goal of the new book The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives was to create a new, up-to-date resource to educate more people in the field of web preservation and to make web archives known to researchers and academics.

As such, the book is primarily aimed at the academic and scientific communities, and presents the most innovative methods for exploring information from the past preserved by web archives.

Daniel Gomes, head of led the book’s editorial team, along with the field specialists Elena DemidovaJane Winters and Thomas Risse. In total, the book resulted from the contributions of 40 authors from around the world who are experts in web archiving.

The book is divided into 6 parts where we find various resources for exploring pages archived from the Internet since the 1990s.

We can also learn how to preserve our collective memory in the Digital Era, which strategies to use when selecting online content, and what impact web archives have on preserving historical information.

The book aims to support professors in their mission to transmit innovative and adequate knowledge for the digital literacy required to train professionals for the 21st century.

Daniel Gomes from, alerts to the need of including web archives in teaching plans and emphasizes that this knowledge brings a great competitive advantage especially for students of Humanities and Social Sciences.

An innovative detail of this book is that all its cited links have been preserved by so that the references remain valid over time.

The book was available for free to be downloaded from Portuguese higher education institutions (b-On member entities) until March 6th 2022.

However, you can still download a pre-print version of the book (Green Open Access).


Book launch at Jornadas FCCN 2021

Apresentação do livro
Apresentação do livro
Apresentação do livro
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Internet Memory Foundation collection available in

logo Internet Memory Foundation - website

Last updated on August 9th, 2024 at 04:15 pm

The historical collection of web content generated during the Internet Memory Foundation’s (IMF) activity has been donated to and is now searchable!

The IMF was a European organization dedicated to preserving web content that was wound up in 2018.

The 1st web archiving project in Europe (2004-2010) was led by Julien Masanès (who was guest of honour at the celebration of 10 years of and was called European Archive Foundation.

In 2010, Julien Masanès, the “father” of Web archives in Europe created the IMF.

Examples of pages from the collection donated by the IMF

The collection donated by the IMF has now been integrated in the collection to be preserved for posterity.

This collection is composed of 142 million files that total 6.3 TB of historical information whose texts or images can now be searched through

webpage liteScience printscreen

Life Science Competence in Europe portal, 2009.

homepage www-imes-fp6-limes-eu

LIMES project homepage (Land and Sea Monitoring for Environment and Security), 2009.

print homepage intelligence-territoriale-eu

Project Intelligence-territoriale homepage, 2009.

European Parliament news page in the 20th anniversary of the break of the Berlim Wall, 2009.

Le Figaro about French presidential election, 2012.

Reuters with a new about WikiLeaks, 2011.

Print da página do Internet Memory Research em 2014

Internet Memory Foundation homepage, 2014.

Search this new collection!

This new collection has been named “InternetMemory” in the collections list.

Searches can be made on this collection using the collection search parameter or through the custom search page available at

custom-search-page of Internet Memory collection