ArchivePageNow to archive webpages immediately on


Last updated on January 7th, 2025 at 07:05 pm

The ArchivePageNow, initially named SavePageNow, allows anyone to archive a Web page to be preserved by  It is only necessary to enter a page’s address and browse through its contents. ArchivePageNow was inspired on the Internet Archive Save Page Now and implemented using webrecorder pywb.

For example, a publication on the FCCN blog marking the 30th anniversary of the Internet in Portugal was saved with ArchivePageNow and preserved at This way, anyone using ArchivePageNow is contributing to the contents published on the Internet not being lost.


Help us to improve!

The user interfaces have been recoded to be optimized, so we need your help to test them in different devices of various brands (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, laptops).

If you detect any problems, please contact us!

Remember to always send the address of the page where you detected the problem.

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