Flash content can now be accessed on Arquivo.pt

Arquivo.pt launched a new version called  Isis on 7 January 2025.

Support for Flash using the Ruffle emulator

In the new version of Arquivo.pt, the feature that now allows you to play animations and interactive content in Flash stands out.

Flash technology was used on websites in the early years of the Web. However, it has become obsolete and current browsers, such as Google or Edge, no longer support it, preventing the visualisation of such content. Software emulation is a way of giving access to content produced by obsolete technologies.

Arquivo.pt has therefore included Ruffle, a Flash Player emulator that allows you to visualise Flash content that was previously inaccessible to the user.

Examples of Flash animations on Arquivo.pt

Access the following sites on Arquivo.pt, bearing in mind that they are generally designed to be used on a desktop computer.

Estoril Palace Hotel, 2008

Estoril Casino, 2003

Online games, albinoblacksheep.com, 2009

How to add Ruffle


Other improvements in the new version of Arquivo.pt

In addition to Flash support, the development of the service involved the following actions:

  • Implemention of middleware to issue requests to the Solr API (development environment)
  • Implementation of relevance feedback Javascript layer
  • Improvements on the Arquivo.pt API: responds error 400 Bad request when parameter “q” contains an URL

Know more

If you find any errors on Arquivo.pt, or have any suggestions, please contact us.