Última atualização em 23 de Janeiro de 2025 às 14:44
Trabalhos de investigação e conjuntos de dados derivados do Arquivo.pt
Publicações científicas e académicas
- Athena Kin-kam Wong, Digital curation practices on web and social media archiving in libraries and archives, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2024.
- Daniela Major, The uses of History in the media coverage of the European Union 2004 – 2019, PhD thesis, 2024.
- Diego Alves et al., Robustness of Corpus-Based Typological Strategies for Dependency Parsing, Event Analytics across Languages and Communities, Springer 2024.
- Moisés Rockembach et al., Arquivamento da web e preservação digital, UFRGS 2024.
- Nuno Guimarães et. al., Perfil Público: Automatic Generation and Visualization of Author Profiles for Digital News Media, PROPOR, 2024.
- R. Lopes et al., GlórIA – A Generative and Open Large Language Model for Portuguese (Preprint), arXiv 2024.
- Adam Jatowt et al., Is this news article still relevant? Ranking by contemporary relevance in archival search, IJDL 2023.
- David Batista, Extracção de Relações de Apoio e Oposição em Títulos de Notícias de Política em Português, Linguamática 2023.
- Francisco Gonçalves, Text2Storyline: Generating Enriched Storylines from Text, ECIR 2023.
- F. Hantke, You Call This Archaeology? Evaluating Web Archives for Reproducible Web Security Measurements, ACM CCS 2023.
- José Tavares, Towards an Automated Media Chart: Framing News Articles with Natural Language Processing Techniques, MSc thesis 2023.
- L. Frew, Making Changes in Webpages Discoverable: A Change-Text Search Interface for Web Archives, arXiv 2023.
- Ricardo Campos et al. Text Mining and Visualization of Political Party Programs Using Keyword Extraction Methods: The Case of Portuguese Legislative Elections, 18th International Conference on Information for a Better World 2023.
- Ricardo Campos et al., Public News Archive: A Searchable Sub-archive to Portuguese Past News Articles, ECIR 2023.
- Sanjay Agrawal et al., Advancements in NSFW Content Detection: A Comprehensive Review of ResNet-50 Based Approaches, IJSAE 2023.
- Sílvia Araújo et al., alBERTUM: A Portuguese Search Engine for Scientific and Academic Language, Springer Nature, 2023.
- Bruna Ramalho Galamba, The Fortress of Santa Catarina de Ribamar (Portimão) as a Proposal for Good Practices of Military Heritage Preservation, Cultural Sustainable Tourism 2022.
- Daniel Tércio, Terpsicore – dance and performing arts archive, Dance Data, Cognition, and Multimodal Communication 2022.
- Daniel Gomes, Web archives as research infrastructure for digital societies: the case study of Arquivo.pt, Archeion 2022.
- Gonçalo Melo da Silva et al., ROSSIO Infrastructure: A Digital Humanities Platform to Explore the Portuguese Cultural Heritage. Information 2022.
- Alina Yanchuk et al., Automatic Classification of Stigmatizing Articles of Mental Illness: The Case of Portuguese Online Newspapers, ADBIS 2022.
- Nuno Miquelina et al., Generating a European Portuguese BERT Based Model Using Content from Arquivo.pt Archive, IDEAL 2022.
- Himarsha R. Jayanetti et al., Robots Still Outnumber Humans in Web Archives, But Less Than Before, TPDL 2022.
- Carla Cardoso, How the portuguese media represented the first racialized female MP head of a political party, IAMCR 2021.
- Eilaf Eid Alotaibi, Saudi Females Beginners’ Attitudes Towards Full-online Learning Through EFL Virtual Classrooms During COVID-19 Pandemic, Arab World English Journal 2021.
- Moisés Rockembach and Anabela Serrano, Climate change and web archives: an Ibero-American study based on the Portuguese and Brazilian contexts, Records Management Journal 2021.
- Paulo Martins and J.C. Ramalho, Knowledge graph of press clippings referring social minorities, CEUR-WS 2021.
- Ricardo Campos et al., Time-Matters: Temporal Unfolding of TextsAdvances in Information, ECIR 2021.
- Ricardo Campos et al., Automatic Generation of Timelines for Past-Web Events, Springer 2021.
- Sawood Alam et al., Profiling Web Archival Voids for Memento Routing, JCDL 2021.
- B. Niveditha, A Study of Availability and Recovery of URLs in Library and Information Science Scholarly Journals, AJIST 2020.
- Flávio Martins and André Mourão, Revisionista.PT: Uncovering the News Cycle Using Web Archives, ECIR 2020.
- Francisco Cádima, A RTP em ambiente digital: dos anos 90 à atualidade – um enquadramento teórico. PAULUS: Revista de Comunicação da FAPCOM 2020.
- Ricardo Campos et al., YAKE! Keyword extraction from single documents using multiple local features. Information Sciences, 2020.
- Susana Parreira, Primeiras páginas de jornais online portugueses – Uma análise gráfica interativa, Master thesis 2020.
Até 2019
- Federico Nanni, Collecting Primary Sources from Web Archives: A Tale of Scarcity and Abundance, The SAGE Handbook of Web History 2019.
- Patrícia Nunes-Silva et al., Applications of RFID technology on the study of bees, Insectes Sociaux 2019.
- Mohamed Aturban et al., Collecting 16K archived web pages from 17 public web archives, arxiv 2019.
- João Pedro Amorim, Mature students’ access to higher education: A critical analysis of the impact of the 23+ policy in Portugal, EJED 2018.
- Peter Webster, Existing web archives, The SAGE handbook of web history 2018.
- Thaer Samar, Quantifying retrieval bias in Web archive search, IJDL 2018.
- Dávid Siklósi, Assessing the Quality of Web, PhD thesis 2016.
- Andrew Jackon et al., Desiderata for Exploratory Search Interfaces to Web Archives in Support of Scholarly Activities, 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2016.
- Sandra Antunes, Interfaces para um museu do web design português, PhD thesis 2015.
- Hugo Mendes, Plano de Comunicação para o “Arquivo da Web Portuguesa”, Relatório de Estágio, Escola Superior de Lisboa 2015.
- Ahmed AlSum et al., Profiling web archive coverage for top-level domain and content language. IJDL 2014.
- Ahmed Alsum, Web archive services framework for tighter integration between the past and present web. PhD thesis 2014.
- András Garzó et al.. Cross-lingual web spam classification, WWW 2013.
- Daniel Gomes et al., Search the past with the Portuguese web archive, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web 2013.
- Daniel Gomes et al., Introducing the Portuguese web archive initiative, 8th International Web Archiving Workshop 2009.
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Dados de investigação derivados do Arquivo.pt
- Ricardo Lopes, João Magalhães, David Semedo, GlórIA – ArquivoPT News PT-PT Dataset – Hugging Face Model card (paper)
- Nuno Miquelina, Paulo Quaresma, Vitor Nogueira, Generating a European Portuguese BERT Based Model Using Content from Arquivo.pt Archive, (Preprint)
- Diego Alves, 2019 European Parliamentary Elections – Raw texts, Harvard Dataverse 2023.
- Diego Alves, 2019 European Parliamentary Elections – CoNLL-U texts, Harvard Dataverse 2023.
- David Batista, A n-grams collection extracted from the Portuguese Web, Harvard Dataverse 2022.
- R. Lopes et al., GlórIA – ArquivoPT News PT-PT Dataset – Hugging Face Model card, 2024.