Ask us for free dissemination materials! – the Portuguese Web Archive is a nonprofit public service that requires dissemination.

We produced the following dissemination materials:

Your collaboration to disseminate is essential for this service to become useful to an increasing amount people.

Ask us for materials to disseminate at your institution or event. We will send it to you free of charge.

Thank you.

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Fénix: the new release of!

We are pleased to announce that we launched a new release of – the Portuguese Web Archive, after two years of suspension in the development of the service.

The name given to this release was opportunely Fénix (Phoenix). 20 cases that originated the following improvements were resolved:

Informative site (

  • Review and update of all content (152 pages in Portuguese and English);
  • Reorganization of the Information Architecture;
  • Fix functional and usability errors;
  • Incoherence of graphical style.

Search and access (

  • Interoperability improvements (e.g. URLs following the Wayback syntax, OpenSearch API fixes);
  • Information updates;
  • Error corrections on the user interface;
  • Introductory video included on the homepage.

We inform that we migrated our open source project to GitHub: pwa_technologies where you can find more details about the Fénix version.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome!