@InProceedings{Costa.etal:EvaluatingWebArchive:2012, author = {Miguel Costa and M{\'a}rio J. Silva}, title = {Evaluating Web Archive Search Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering}, editor = {X. Sean Wang and Isabel Cruz and Alex Delis and Guangyan Huang}, year = {2012}, page = {440--454}, volume = {}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, month = {November}, address = {}, opturl = {}, optnote = {}, optproject = {}, bibdate = {2012-12-11}, document = {Costa.etal:EvaluatingWebArchive:2012\_document.pdf}, presentation = {Costa.etal:EvaluatingWebArchive:2012\_presentation.pdf}, }